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I was over weight before I got pregnant. I lost 40 pounds before trying to get pregnant but I was still a bit over weight. Well now I am 7 months pregnant and have only gained 2 pounds. I am worried that I haven't really gained much weight for how far along I am? I go to the dr regularly and she hasn't said anything but is this normal/ok? At my last dr's appointment my uterus was measuring at 32 weeks even though I was only 27, so I think my baby is growing just fine.




  1. The heavier you are when you get pregnant the less weight you have to gain. I am considered high maternal weight too and the doc only wants me to gain 15 lbs all together. I'm already half way there. As long as you are eating right your baby will be fine. I have read a lot of research that now doctors don't think the amount of weight gained is the most important, especially for heavier set girls. Make sure you follow doctors orders and you will be fine. If the doctor think something is wrong they will let you know. Good luck!

  2. oh yes you are fine i only gained 10lbs with my son from start to finish. if you are overwieght normally what happens it that the weight you are losing is balancing out with what the baby is gaining so it seems like you are not gaining enough weight.

  3. You said you were still a bit over weight when you got pregnant, so I would say that everything is fine. Especially knowing your doctor isn't concerned about it and everything looks good with your baby. If it truly concerns you, talk to your doctor about it. Sounds good to me though. I think the only thing you should be concerned about is maybe high blood pressure or GD (gestational diabetes). Good luck sweetie.  

  4. as long as you are eating healthy its fine. my sister and cousin were over weight at the start of their pregnancy's but then they lost weight. so good luck and congrats =]

  5. Usually the doctor likes to see a certain amount of weight gain during pregnancy, but if there are circumstances such as the mother being overweight yet is still healthy and the baby is growing than he/she may not be too concerned about it.  With my 4th pregnancy, I conceived unknowingly when I was taking birth control pills for 11 years.  I went in for my regularly scheduled yearly physical and that is when my doctor discovered I was pregnant.  I had been having some pain in my stomach whenever I ate and was living mostly on soup and toast.  Initially, my doctor thought I might have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Since my previous yearly physical I had lost about 15 pounds and was quite pleased about that.  But, then my doctor did my internal exam and discovered the pregnancy.  When I had an ultrasound to determine gestation (I had been having what seemed to me like normal periods so we had no idea how far along I was), we were all shocked to learn I was already 17 weeks along.  I'd barely gotten over that shock when I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.  I had to follow a rather strict eating plan plus I was still having some trouble finding food appealing.  By the time I delivered my baby at 41 weeks (she weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces) I was down 25 pounds from the weight I had been at my yearly physical 1 1/2 years before.  My nurses and doctors were always concerned about my lack of weight gain, but beginning at 32 weeks I began having weekly ultrsounds, non-stress tests, pre-natal visits as well as a vist with the diabetic nurse.  I continued to stay healthy as did my baby who was growing well, so we agreed that as long as I didn't lose too much weight and everyone stayed healthy they wouldn't be on my case too much.  Pregnancy is not the best time to try to lose weight, but many women  who are overweight do begin to eat more healthy during pregnancy and take better care of themselves and they naturally lose weight or don't gain much yet still go on to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

  6. That's fine! You've probably been eating really well during your pregnancy. I know several overweight women who went into pregnancy, and came out weighing less!!! Enjoy it. If you're measuring okay, and your doctor hasn't shown any concern, count your blessings and enjoy your pregnancy.

  7. I am 25 weeks pregnant and haven't gained anything in fact I have lost 12 lbs and my doctor says as long as the baby is growing there shouldn't be a problem. I am also over weight so don't worry to much !

    good luck and best wishes

  8. Im sure your doctor would tell you if you were not gaining alot of weight. My doctor told me both pregnancy's i weighed too much, but then i weighed the same after they were born. Congrats by the way

  9. Don't worry, you're measuring fine and if there was something wrong, I'm sure the Dr. would've noticed. You probably lost some weight the beginning of your pregnancy. It happened with me with my 1st pregnancy, I lost 10 pounds the 1st trimester and started gaining towards the end of my pregnancy, I was 140 when I 1st got pregnant went down to 130, and ended at 144 so 4 lbs. technically, but 14 since I lost 10 lbs, Sorry if I confused you.

  10. i wouldn't worry about if the doctor hasn't said anything. like many women on here have already said, you don't have to gain as much weight during your pregnancy if you started out overweight anyways. i am due november 26th, and i started out pretty fit and i've only gained 9 1/2 pounds. my doctor told me not to worry about not gaining the weight in time because some people gain more weight towards the end all of a sudden (she did). everybody gains the weight differently, and the doctor will tell you if something needs to change.  

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