
Is this ok for a guinea-pig to eat on a hot day ?

by  |  earlier

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a cold bowl of water

a corrot

a large pices of cucumber

and a stick of brocoili

its hot see, and the pigs look hot to. anything I can do to make them cool little pigs, they short hair piggys




  1. wet them

  2. For feeding them, you could try giving them ice.  I know my pets enjoy ice occasionally.

    I'd leave out the broccoli, but chilled cucumbers sound good as well as a fresh carrot and water.  (:

    As for something to do other than food, you can mist them.  If you have a water bottle that sprays, misting them is sometimes a good idea.  

    Also, try putting a plain plate in the freezer for awhile and then in their cage.  It'll be a like a giant cool place to stand, sit, lay, etc.  Don't put any water on it though.  It'll condense some water, but you don't want anything they could stick their noses into.  That's dangerous.  ):

    Try keeping them in the shade.  If they're outside, perhaps build a fort above their cage (broom sticks holding up a tarp with work) to keep them out of the sun so they don't get sun burned.  

    If you can, put them in the garage with a ceiling fan on if you have a garage like that.

    Finally, if they're in your home, turn on your ceiling fan to get the air circulating, but don't aim a fan directly at them, not so good..  But above their cage should be perfect.  (:

  3. Always make sure water is available and leave a variety of foods for your Guinea pigs to chose for their-selves !

  4. It will get diaryuh if you give it too much

  5. The above is fine except broccoli. Guinea pigs can't have gassy veggies.

    Have fun with your pigs :)

  6. First of all, make sure they are not living outside.

    Guinea pigs will not eat ice. But you can do as someone suggested, put in a covered frozen water bottle.

    No brocolli. Very gassy. Cucumber really has no nutritional value so I would just leave it out. A small baby carrot is ok, but not every day.

    I would just make sure your veggies are wet and chilled when you give them. Stick with the basics: romaine, red leaf, cilantro, bell pepper, tomato...

    They should never be in temperatures above 80 degrees. If youhave to turn a fan on, just make sure it is not directly on them.

  7. put an ice pack covered with a dish cloth and it will cool them down, or put ice in a cloth and put it in their cage.

    hope this helps!!

  8. i would put in a bowl of ice. it keeps the water real cool and they can lay next to it. i keep water bottles in the freezer so on hot days i can take them out and place them in the cage. kinda an airconditioner.

    if they get real hot get them wet

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