
Is this ok for a kid?

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I helped work a dance clinic for little kids and I have always heard of kids getting attached because they are abused or ignored but I've never seen it. At this clinic this little girl was so attached to me. She would not let go of my hand no matter what. She was like 'I want to sit by you!!' and she even told me she loved me when she was sitting in my lap one time. Is this bad or is she just easily attached to people??




  1. Ted gave you very good advice.  I agree whole-heartedly.

  2. It could just be her temperament. My daughter is 4 1/2 and she is just like this. She loves to get attention from others and she just latches on to people.  Both she and her twin brother tell their older brother's kindergarden teacher that they love her.  

    I think it is sweet.

  3. I would not let her sit on your lap.  You need to maintain some personal space for your own protection.

    I would not say that this means she's being abused at home.  Some kids just lap up adult attention and demand as much as they can.  I know a girl like this in my girl scout troop and she comes from a happy, stable home - it's just her personality.  If anything, she's a bit spoiled and used to adults catering to her.

  4. Probably just a kid. That's what kid's do. Remember, protect yourself, you have no right whatsoever to assume unless the child has visible marks, extraordianarily strange behavior, or actually tells you directly of a problematic situation.

    This is solid legal advice from a lawyer.

  5. Don't let her get physical with you and don't jump to an assumption. Some kids are like this, some kids are not getting the attention they need, and some are abused.  It is hard to tell the difference.  Just keep an eye out for red flags.  We should always have our safety eyes out for these innocent children.  But, she's probably just that type of kid!
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