
Is this ok ? or is this really bad ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and i have question to ask .. i don't think my body is fully grown . in know its very personal but .. my p***s is almost 6in but is that its going to be ? i mean i have pubes, but does that mean im done growning ? and is it bad if i m********e every day ?




  1. you still got a couple of years to grow

  2. still got 2 years of growing dude, dont worry

  3. it could possibly grow, but given that the average size is 5-6 inches, you are probably done.  And it's not bad - m********e as much as you want.

  4. dude im 16 your p***s is not done growing yet you still got a couple years to go.i think i heard from somewhere the males dont stop maturing till their about 30.......and the masturbation thing....go ahead beat gf loves it when i do......and you get to practice your pitch for the big game**winks**practice on how to go for along time...they love that

  5. you got a normal sized p***s, and your only 16. chill out man.  you will continue to grow for around 2 more years.

  6. Hi Pete,

      Thank is a nice size p***s you have.You are still growing and you will get bigger.If you m********e all the time you will have problems when having s*x,you may not be able to get it up.

    Your Friend,


  7. i am 15 about im about your size + tho. if i where u i would measure it every other month and/or take some vitamins (btw i cant spell) i m********e every other day or when i feel like it :)

  8. You may have a little more growing to do. Just because you have your pubes, doesn't mean you're done growing. People get their pubes in years before the p***s stops growing. Your p***s is average sized anyways, so there's nothing to worry about.

    And it's not bad to m********e every day. Most males do it once every day or every other day. (just don't go overboard and try to m********e 5 times a day...)

  9. I am 18 and my p***s size is about the same. That's a pretty average size for a teenager. If it's too big it can hurt the girl when you have s*x. If you have anymore questions just email me at:

  10. That's probably all you are going to get.

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