
Is this ok..........?

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my dogs all like to chew on wood. they don't swallow it just chew it but i just want to make sure its ok.




  1. Well, I wouldn't take the chance of a piece of wood getting swallowed so I would suggest you get some sour apple spray and spray it on all the wood that the dogs can get to so they won't chew on it no more. It might be a good idea just to get them checked by a vet to just in case. Good luck.

  2. Are we speaking about wood as in sticks or furniture/ your deck? Obviously furniture, the deck is NOT ok. There are spray preparations that taste bitter and will discourage chewing. As far as sticks go, it is probably ok- but there is always the danger of choking or getting splinters stuck in their gums, sturdy chew toys would be better- they may be bored so a kong or other toy that you hide treats in and they have to work to get the treats out would be a great investment.

  3. Our dogs did that when I was a kid too.  They never had anything happen, but I can see where it would be possible.  My dog now chews on real bones- they look gross, but the rawhide ones are good for their digestive systems.  He also likes his kong ball, but that's usually only when there's a treat inside!

  4. dog did this and a piece of wood got between her gum and tooth, wound up with an infected tooth that had to be pulled....

    Buy them some bully sticks instead

  5. a lot of dogs actually do this, it's not that surprising. it's not really a good idea to let them continue to chew on the wood, because they could swallow it and cut their throat/etc. the best thing to probably do would be to buy a lot of chew toys. and whenever you see them chewing on the wood, stop them.

  6. i don't think i would say it's ok. because they can get a splinter in there gums, or on their tongue, and you might not know it and it would hurt them unless they got it out themselves somehow.

  7. I wouldn't recommend it. My dog loved to chew on sticks, but she accidently swallowed some tiny pieces, and they just kept on accumulating in her throat, until one day we saw that there was this huge lump on her throat. We had to take her to the vet, and she had a bunch of surgeries going on, and they had to drain her of a bunch of fluids, and take medication, and finally they managed to get the pieces out, but it was still hard on all of us with our doggie's pain, the trips to the vet, and the vet bills. I can't guarantee that some splinters will accidently be swallowed, but better safe than sorry right?

  8. Wood is fine as long as they dont swallow it, which you said they didnt so it should be fine. Also make sure the wood has no chemicals like varnish and stuff in it as this could be harmful.

    I know what you mean, chew toys dont tend to last long but the most strong ones i have seen are those rope ones because rope is alot more hard-wearing than some of the plastic ones.

    Good luck lol  

  9. yea its ok but go to petland and get him something else to chew on  

  10. I would not suggest it. Consider a strong rubber toy such as a Kong.

  11. no.coz the wood splinters and the dog swallows can puncher the dogs organ' plz no not.

  12. My dogs have the same issue... they love to find a stick, lay down and start to just chew.  The vet actually said this is OK because they do not swallow.  I would make sure that the wood is something like a stick that does break into smaller pieces.  I am assuming you are not letting them chew in any pressurized wood as that contains chemicals!

    Mine also love rawhides and Petco has this rubberized ball that you put these two curved hard chews on either side.  It can add up though!  Another suggestion is the old tennis ball.  Let them rip them to shreds (this suggestion came from our vet!)  You can go to any tennis center and ask for all their "dead" balls.  They will probably be more than happy to let you take them off their hands!

  13. yeah it should be fine. you might want to get them a chew toy tho

  14. I wouldn't chance it.  If pieces came off and they did end up swallowing it, even if they didn't mean to swallow, it could splinter in them or something and then they'd have to go to the vet.  I think better safe than sorry and just stop them from doing it.  Try giving them something else to chew on like a kong or something.

  15. My baby loves chewing on the door trim  and some walls when were gone.. Probably to try to get out and be with us. People always recommended getting lots of chew toys to keep them occupied, being that wood isn't so great with splinters

  16. Haha.  I like your name.

    I've seen plenty of chewed wood in my house.  Trim molding, table legs, bookshelves.  Only one suspect but her size easily contributes to the amount of damage.

    And like your dogs, it's not being consumed, just given a different shape.

    This behavior usually presents itself when she's "bored" or just laying around quietly, doing nothing.  If she's close to the table it starts as a l**k and then turns in to nibbling.

    Sticks and branches in the yard are a different story.  Those are torn apart so they resemble kindling.

    Toys might help but a giant, meaty knuckle bone quickly fixes that desire to chew.  You can purchase these from any grocery store sold as soup bones.  Feed it uncooked too and make sure it's large enough that the dog wouldn't even think about trying to eat it whole.

    Suggestion on the stuffie toys.  Go to Goodwill and you can pick up some really nice stuffed toys for next to nothing.  Throw them in the wash to make sure they're clean enough for your dogs ;o) and then dry and they'll look like new.  All of mine love their new toys and have a huge assortment of toys to choose from.  It seems like they're lasting longer too because they have a number to choose from. has some AWESOME stuffed toys that really are indistructable and their sturdiness comes in different levels.  The toys look cool and they last. They are very reasonably priced too.  One draw back, my dogs seem to loose interest in these toys because they don't give like your average stuffed toy.

    But still, I love the product.

    AVOID -rawhide, bullysticks, pig ears, cow snouts, cow cheeks, small bones, nylabones, cowhooves, pressed rawhide, etc.  Anything the dog could swallow and choke on.  These types of treats should NEVER be given to a dog without supervision.  It's similar to leaving a child by a pool unattended.

    I have pulled an edible treat from my dogs mouth after she was unable to dislodge it herself.  Fortunately she's large enough that I could actually fit my hand in her mouth.

    Slivers are one thing, asphyxiation is caused by a chew treat can be instant death.

  17. yeah buy a few chew toys!

  18. dont worry , trust me , my 4 dogs are beavers :)

  19. it would be ok unless u saw ur dog swallowing the piece or choking on it. but mostly, it's fine. but instead of wood, why don't u give him a rawhide which is more better for dogs? or bone?

  20. It would probably be safer to get them chew toys cuz they could get cuts and splinters in their mouth.

  21. As others have said, it isn't a good idea as far as the possibility of splinters and choking.   Also, if the wood has been pressure treated, one of the chemicals used to treat that wood is arsenic, which is extremely toxic!  Kong toys (the black one especially) can be durable enough for your dog.  Good luck!

  22. Get them some chew toys.

    It's really bad because they can get splinters and stuff.

  23. This is not good because wood can splinter and damge their gums. Swolling it is only one of the problems! Here are some tips on how to stop this:

    #1 when chewing, distract them with one of their toys. When they start chewing on their toys, praise them for it.

    #2 spray any wood (legs of tables or chairs, etc.) with Bitter Apply spray to keep them from chewing on it. You'll have to reapply the spray every eight hours so that the taste doesn't fade away. Overtime, they'll learn to stay away from any mood.

  24. My dogs chew on sticks they find in the yard.  Mostly they chew the bark off and they don't eat it - just leave a mess and tear the firewood pile apart.  I think it's OK and in our case almost unavoidable with big oak trees dropping sticks all the time.

    Never give your dog rawhide.  It can cause intestinal blockages and the processing involves a number of highly toxic chemicals.  There is no regulation and most of the rawhide comes from small unregulated companies in China.  

    My dogs like Nylabones (the hard ones) - I'd suggest those as an alternative.
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