
Is this ok to wear in high school?

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are aeropastel t-shirts,

rolled up sweat pants (garage),

and regular sweat pants (hollister)

ok to wear in high school?




  1. that all depends on your school.

    my school, you can wear whatever you want as long as you aren't exposing too much boobage or midriff.

    and skirts/shorts can't be showing your booty all over the place.

    as long as your school doesn't have too strict of a dress code, you should be fine in either of those sweats.

  2. I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed as long as they are proper length and your stomach and butt don't show.  My those are expensive for sweatpants though!

  3. Whatever floats your boat.

  4. my sis said no

    answer mine;...

  5. sure they are, (i think) but you might want to check the dress codes cuz all schools are different. i presonally find nothing worng with it though they're just sweat pants. oyu'd think that the school would be happy that you'd be wearing sweat pants not lil itty bitty hshorty shorts, but ya never know ...  

  6. If you mean from a fashion standpoint...

    yeah, people at my school wear sweats all the time. Lol when you get up at 5am, you deserve the right to wear whatever you want.

    If you mean from a dresscode standpoint,

    I've never heard of sweatpants being against the dress code, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Go on your district's website.

  7. I don't think so. In college yes! They are both adorable pants though!! I don't know... I think if someone is wearing pants as long as they are not against regulations, like too short, holes, ect.. I think everyone should be able to wear them!

  8. probably not they should have given like a handbook or someything that has the dress code policy.

  9. probably not. do you have a handbook that lists a dress code?

  10. Bad Question m'lady. Its ok to wear at my school, Gateway but i have no idea if its ok at your school. And generally dress codes don't change from middle school to high school.

  11. Not for me,it's a question of style.Is it yours? OK.

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