
Is this ok to wear to a showing and funeral of a relative?

by  |  earlier

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A black dress with a yellow shrug and a pink tank top under the dress because its kind of low cut?




  1. Maybe wear a black tank top and a gray shrug.

    You don't want to look like you are dressed for a party.

  2. Personally I think you and rhonawk both sound like tactless morons.......

  3. maybe put a black tanktop under it so your not so bright

  4. Todays dress is pretty casual dress as compared to days of long ago so i feel you will be just fine sorry for the loss

  5. You should ask other family members or your parents if the outfit is acceptable because it's your family. For sure, I would wear a cami the same color as the dress. I wear black when I go to funerals and I notice that most people still wear black or a dark colors. Some people will say that things have changed, but they really haven't. I don't think this will ever change.

  6. No, I would wear something covering your cleavege and that is considered conservative. This is not the time to make a fashion statement or bring attention to yourself. Wear black and keep it conservative and simple.

  7. wear what you feel comfortable in your there in person showing respect for a relitive. their dead so their not gonna mind.

  8. That should be fine.  Can you make the tank top white?  The yellow and pink might be a tad to much color.

  9. There is no rule about wearing black to a funeral.  Wear what you want (but I would try to keep the girls contained)


  11. i think it's ok you should be able to wear what you feel like unless they have a certain way they want you to dress like. Then you should waer what they want you to waer another then that. Feel free to wear what you want to

  12. Wear black and only black.

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