
Is this okay for my eleven year old?

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My eleven year old, daughter decided to not sleep last night at all and she just stayed up the whole night! No sleep at all! Trust me I didn't know this happened. And she told me today. She promiced to go to sleep the next day. As far as things go, is this unhealthy. It was only one day. And she promices to sleep the next day.

Was it okay?




  1. Its fine. I do it on a usual basis due to work and im 15. Only problem with it is that if you start staying up that late and your young it can be hard going back to sleep at an earlier hour (such as having to sleep at 9PM to get up for school but not being able to because your used to sleeping at 4AM or something like that.)

  2. she'll be fine, it was just the one day, sumtimes kids wanna try out some new things n they do it. she promised she wont do it again didnt she? what a sweet daughter. make sure she sticks to her word n that was ok. it was that one time, right. so dont get tensed. it was ok, dont worry. n tell he that if she doesnt sleep well, her health will be affected n she may fall sick n that a gud night's sllep is very gud for the body n the health of a growing child. it was all right. it's ok!

  3. She probably only did it to see if she could.

    Trust me, she wont be doing it often, as sleep will win, it allways does.

    If she is going without sleep for DAYS, ( and only getting  few hours here and there), THEN I would be concerned.

    When I was a uni student, I would quite often pull either an all nighter, or jolly close to it. Sometimes it was the only way to get those assignments done. But I found that I would acheive NOTHING the next day, as I was simply too tired, so unless I knew i could basically hand in the assignment and go back to bed, i didnt do it often.

    At your daughters age, I would not be concerned at all.

    She will probably have a lot more sleepovers and late night homework in the next few years, so yeah, dont sweat the small stuff is good advice.

  4. She will be fine.  her health is not in danger if that is what you are asking.  I used to stay up 2 and 4 days in a row just to see if I could and eventually sleep won, it always does.  Anyway since there is no school right now, she is just having fun there are things soooooo much worse she could be experimenting with so take it easy and don't sweat the small stuff.

  5. hey i tried to do that when i was a kid. i believe that she will be fine but she either has incredible will power or just has a lot of toys. also you generally you get hungry in the middle of the night, so i wonder what she ate.

  6. It's okay, I'm 13 years old, and I dont go to sleep until 3, well it used to be 4, but I kept getting in trouble. She won't die, she'll be perfectly okay

  7. My daughter did the same thing when she was that age.  At some point, all kids get the urge to pull an all-nighter.  It just seems fun!  And while they may be a little cranky the next day, it won't hurt them.  So it's nothing to worry about. Once they've done it a few times, they realize how lousy they feel  the next day, and it doesn't seem like such a great idea anymore.  My daughter is 14 now, and while some of her friends still like to stay up all night, she's usually the first one asleep at sleepovers.  I'm glad she got it out of her system early!

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