
Is this okay for my hamster?

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ok so i kno hamster dont like it if u blow on them. but if she does something bad like bite the cage, site on the food starts pooping on it, or climbing the cage and bite the tops bars, i give it a little blow, and it stops doing it. is that okay?




  1. If you are trying to teach your hamster not to do certain stuff through discipline this is not going to work. Actually, trying to get your hamster to do anything you tell it to do won't work period. Hamsters aren't capable of learning right and wrong. They live by instinct and habits.

    So don't waste your time, it won't learn anything. And please stop irritating it by blowing on it, stress kills those little guys. Trust me, I have had my fair share of hamsters.

  2. It is fine, as long as you don't force quite a blow that it falls or something like that.

  3. As far as the health of the hamster goes it's fine as long as your not blowing with all your strength on it, but I don't think that the reasons you listed are actually reasons enough that you would need to blow on her. All of my hamsters bite the cage, climb the cage and sometimes p**p in their food. It's really harmless. They need to gnaw their teeth and sometimes they choose to do it that way (also maybe they're hoping to get out), but you should have some things for them to chew.

    Hamsters, like cows, actually need to eat a little of their p**p to help with their digestion, and climbing the cage is fun for your hamster.

  4. it could get annoyed with you blowing it my hamster does the same thing just tap the cage lightly.its like how would u like it if u were being blown on!

  5. yeaah little blows are long as you give them only when they are bad..dont forget that!

  6. Yes, blowing on them lightly is a good way to teach them not to do something.

    Just don't blow to hard, or directly at their eyes.

  7. Yah its ok you should deff  check out this awsome hamster website!!!!

  8. I should think it's ok to blow gently but climbing the bars and chewing them is normal for hamsters, they all do it.

  9. Yes, that is absolutely fine. You are not causing any harm to your hammy. For all they know, it is wind! I sometimes do the same thing to my gerbils, and they are absolutely fine.

    Have fun w/ ur hammy! : )

  10. None of this is "bad". They are all normal instincts. Hamsters can't be trained to do what you want, anyway. They don't understand if you tell them not to do something and will just go back and do the same.

    As far as the gnawing goes, have you got any gnawing toys in her cage? It's very important for her to keep her teeth trim as they never stop growing. As for the climbing, she needs the exercise. Hamsters can run more than 2 miles a night.

    To answer your question, however, no. You're not doing it any harm.

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