
Is this okay..?

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Based on your opinion, is shooting a 34 on a par 29 course (9 holes) good enough for a 13 year old to enter tournaments and competitions? I can strike the ball really well, my strong points are distance AND accuracy (no shots into the rough that round.) My biggest hit was about 220 with a 3 wood, off the fairway. I can chip and putt well, pitch okay, and my flops aren't so great. (No hazard shots that round either.) Rate my skill on a scale of 1 to 10 and whether you recommend me playing competitively. Be brutally honest if you must. =]




  1. yes, if you shoot this way consistantly i think you will do very well.  i would rate you about a 4 compared to the nationally ranked juniors though, but you are off to a good start, just keep practicing.

  2. Hey, a friend of mine used to play alot of par 3 tourneys and shot usually around 32 or 33. 34 is a very good score, however there are many ways to shoot better. first off, if your flop shot isn't that good, don't do them. many times i waste more strokes attempting a shot than if i would have chipped past the hole and putted, instead of flopping a shot short and having to chip anyways. also, 220 with a 3 wood is very good. i'd say for a 13 year old your a solid 7, probably more of an 8, but...don't forget to use your strong shots, and aim to the side of the green that will give you the most to work with as far as chipping goes if you miss. hope this helps. Ciao

  3. First let me compliment you on your grammar. Most 13 year olds speak phonetically or in some kiddy lingo that we seniors don't understand and wouldn't know an adverb from a preposition.

    Your golf score is great. I would guess that on a par 29 course sand traps are limited and the need for a flop shot really wouldn't be a necessity. I'll rate your skill on this course at an 8 and do recommend that you do play competitively. When you play competitively you get to see other techniques and approaches to the game. A great learning experience. You're off to a great start. Good luck!

  4. The only way you will find out how you rate is to compete. If you don't win you will learn from others your own age. Rate about a 7

  5. You can always enter tournaments and competitions which will accept youngsters. This might be a very good proving ground to see how you compare with those around your age. It will also expose you to different courses where conditions will differ from those which you are familiar with. If your best 10 scores average 34  then give local competition a try.

  6. You're 13 and you're shooting five over, that's brilliant! of course you're good enough to enter. To do your best, just work on your weaker points, don't concentrate on your strengths...though that's not to say you shouldn't practice them...just focus more on improving the weaker part of your game and lifting it to the level that satisfies you. Once you've mastered that, you'll be on your way to shooting five under in no time! Just remember to have self-discipline and no matter how frustrated you get, keep at it. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd say you're half way there. The short game is a crucial part, so fixing up that should do the trick. Keep practicing and good luck!
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