
Is this okay to be feeling?

by  |  earlier

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I moved out of my parents house in April, it's now August. I am extremely close with my mom, and I had a hard time leaving the house I shared with her. Now, I find myself getting stressed out all the time just because I miss her. And to make it worse - they sold the house so I don't even have that go go back to (and the new owners are in the process of knocking it down partially to renovate!) which has not helped situations at all.

What I want to hear is other people's stories of when they moved out, is it normal/okay to miss my mom so much? I feel like such a wimp lol!




  1. yes this is normal. i was the same way. see when went back to visit my mom i was ready to go back to i had moved to. because when me and my mom don't agree on things i use to go in my room to get out of her site. now that i got my own place i can leave when she is getting on my nerves. so look at it this way. when your mom is getting on your last nerve you will have your place to go back to. where she is nowhere in site to tell you what to do.  

  2. Maybe You're Not Independant And You Need Your Mom To Keep You On Your Feet

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