
Is this okay to do or is it not?

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Is it bad to think that your son is cute?He looks just like his dad.Doesn't every mother think that their son is cute?In a non sexual way,I mean.Is it okay to think that?




  1. I think my daughters are the prettiest girls in school, mostly because they resemble their mother.  I think it's natural to think that way.

  2. Of course many mother's think that there son's are cute or handsome!

  3. As long as its non sexual its alriight

  4. Yes it is perfectly fine.

  5. Not bad as far as nothing else in ur mind

  6. If you think your son is cute, then you do.. can't stop ourselves from thinking.

  7. of course is ok i think my baby is hot! there is nothing wrong with that

  8. Its okay if its nothing more then that.

  9. Eeekkk....

    yea I guess it is! but not in a sxual kinda wayy!

  10. Yeah, I think my little girls look like their daddy.  They are adorable!!  I didn't realize he would be such a pretty :)  Nothing wrong with thinking your kids are cute.  Everyone does that.

  11. of course it's the world when nobody tell you that you're cute?mom is always there your biggest fan.

  12. I just saw you're other post homeboy mentioned. Sick. You should see a shrink, a priest, a doctor...somethin!

  13. I  think you are thinking it in a sexual way. and it is very wrong.

    what is the big deal if you knew you werent thinking it in a sexual way??? of course every parent thinks their children are beautiful

    i think you are hiding something.  

  14. Most parents think their children are gorgeous.  Its the way you look at it.  If you look at your son and touch yourself, that's disgusting and not okay.  If you look at him in an, "Aww.  hes adorable!" kind of way, that's normal.

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