
Is this online privacy invasion?

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Providers back net p****y crackdown. Here in the UK the largest ISP's have signed up with the British Government to crack down on Music p****y.

Whilst I do not support p****y in any shape or form, is this a further infringement on individuals privacy, afterall the worst of Internet criminal activity is already dealt with by the Police.

Has the UK Government only signed up to this so they have yet another inlet of BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Where will this privacy invasion end.




  1. this seems familiar, remember learning about when they blacklisted people in the fifties for being a communist?

    now theres a computer watching your every word to make sure you aren't a... whats the word? don't want to write it out or I might be one

  2. The creeping infringement of our rights, civil and human, will not stop until the citizens of this country realise that it is their sole ability and their duty to force a change in government.  We must make use of what limited means are open to use in our contemporary democratic system to oust these near-totalitarian, conservative politicians from the upper echelons of government.

    We all know that "New Labour" was created as a neo-Tory party and have now excelled their predecessors.  The only chance we have to salvage our rights and liberties is to swing power to the true left - the Greens and Socialists.  True, no politician should be trusted or their promises taken at face value, but we should take the chances we have.

    Unfortunately, a way to spread realisation of the current state of affairs is not easy to find.

  3. You've never had privacy on the internet, you never will.  It was a US government network from the very three-node beginning in the 60's.  It always will be.

  4. It all comes down to corporate power

    Microsoft feels p****y affected their profits because money is never enough

    See for example Microsoft pressure government to deal with p****y

    Government get taxes from Microsoft

    Microsoft gets money from consumers

    Therefore it is actually consumers that indirectly caused it

    What to do?

    1)Get organization to pin them down

    2)Boycott Companies that pressure companies (seriously will this ever happen not in a lifetime)

    Temp measures

    3)Don't sign up for internet use, use public Wifi

    and change your MAC address

    4)Use proxy server + encryption (not free)

    5)Design a free network protocol that encrypts and make it widespread (network overhead is a issue now but not in the future)

  5. Its really annoying to be honest, just heard about it this morning. I mean how exactly are they going to make this work? Either they will know every file we are downloading or they will just make an assumption based on download amounts. If they can see what files we download then the internet is no longer a open place to express opinions is it? They probably need information about what site whats being downloaded from etc.

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