
Is this ooberly unhealthy?

by  |  earlier

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this is EXACALLY what i ate today!!

breakfast - 2 peices of wheat bread with strawberry jelly on them.

lunch- tangerine, 4 barbecue chips, a couple bites of lemon rice with potatos, and bread crust. (don't ask)

dinner - chips with ketchup, cantelope, bread with jelly :]] and6 peices of popcorn chicken




  1. You need to eat some more vegetables!  Eat a big salad!  Where are your leafy greens, carrots, green beans......?

    You are eating bbq chips & popcorn chicken and worried about your health?  Stop being penny wise, pound foolish!!

  2. it is unhealthy but not ooberly so

  3. NO. Sounds to me like you are trying to justify. If so then you know that it isn't healthy. Your quantities are ok and the fruit is great but not the other stuff. Maybe if you eat like that regularly then you could substitute a few things like instead of regular fried chips get veggie chips or baked ones and sugar free jelly and whole grain bread. Just a suggestion though.

  4. Okay, but where do the nutrients come from? You are taking your vitamins aren't you?  If you don't, you'll be tired out in a day.

  5. i'd say that all you need to add is some healthy veggies....and ur good!!

  6. Well to some degree it's unhealthy but it's better than starving yourself.

  7. Yes, a lot of that is unhealthy. If you aren't eating a lot of calories then every bite better be super nutritious.. white bread, jelly, fried chicken and chips are not healthy.

    Also, you should be eating most of your calories in the morning/lunch and having a light dinner. But here it is like dinner is 2x everything else you ate.

    I would advise you to quit eating anything with trans fat ASAP. This includes margarine and any food that says partially hydrogenated oil on the label.

  8. yep

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