
Is this ovulation streaking or implantation streaking?

by Guest59811  |  earlier

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I have had alot of problems with spotting constantly after my c-section almost 8 months ago and it stopped about a week ago i was getting periods every 2 weeks for the past couple of months. this month it has not appeared yet i had alot of pain more lower to my scar which does not bother be but my belly will ache. i know this might be TMI but alot of mucus and i would always be checking to see if bleeding had started but nothing. Yesterday i went to the toilet but when i wiped their has only been the littlest bit of streak of pinky colour. and it is not a period cause it is still only a tiny streak. i have heard it could be either ovulation or implantation bleeding and my doctor wanted me to conceive to stop the spotting so he might of been right. i just don't want to go to the doctors unless i am pretty certain of a positive result.

I have not had this happen before and i know things can change after having a child but i just want to be sure.




  1. You would have to tell me the dates and when your last actual period was. I can tell you that ovulation bleeding happens during ovulation and only lasts up to a day or two. It also can be pinkish, brown, or brown red. Implantation bleeding is usually around the time of your period. This bleeding also is for a couple days, and is pinkish, brownish, and brwnish red. I assume that because your periods are so irregular you are unsure of which one it is. The only way you will know for sure is if you take a Home pregnancy test. if it is negative then it may be too early to tell. and you can wait a week to take another one or make an appointment with your doctor to take a blood test. Good Luck!!!!  

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