
Is this paranormal or crazy?

by  |  earlier

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I was praying and then I was visioning that I had these gloves that had blood on them... then this weird smell was in the room only i noticed it (or i think) and it made me want to faint/hurl




  1. seek medical HELP

  2. Guess it depends on who you were praying to. I think a lot of spirits just like to scare us and stress us out and make us look crazy. You have to learn discernment...but that usually comes with experience. Just don't accept these kinds of visions..don't play along with them. They love to see you getting all upset. They're probably laughing at you now.

  3. i think u have a special power or something mabye it wasn't u

  4. Imagination going berserk most likely...

  5. might want to reconsider praying to whoever you was praying to.

  6. You have a very active imagination.


  7. Neither.

    Your question's a false dilemma.

  8. i think that's just an imagination..

  9. If those are the only choices.I'm going with crazy.

  10. your just lying about it.

  11. creepy you should have a seance of something seriously omg that's crazy you are going to DIEEE!!!!!!!!!!

  12. You probably were falling asleep while you were praying and drifted into a brief sleep which led to dreaming.

  13. A spirit entered your room.

  14. It's clearly your limited imagination and lack of knowledge of paranormal experiences that led you to create this story/question.

    If you stay around a while and make some effort you may learn enough about paranormal experiences to post a believable question.


  15. Maybe you put yourself in a trance while praying, and imagined a foul stench.

    Then again, since you're always posting odd things about your little brother.

    And envisioned blood stained gloves.

    Maybe you're displaying a form a schizophrenia with violent tendencies aimed at your brother.

    Henceforth, the bloody gloves and overwhelming stench.

  16. Some medications can cause hallucinations. Codeine is used in a lot of cold medications, If I use something with codeine in it, I see and hear all kinds of things. If you haven't used any thing like that, then I don't know.Sorry


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