
Is this paranormal or in my head?

by  |  earlier

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Well my back was really warm and then it felt cold every few seconds and then...places in my body were numb and I was breathing/yawning with my mouth and it seemed like i breathed in something can you breath in a spirit or a ghost and ive been doing stuff i dont normally am i just going insane or what or over exaggerating.




  1. we are not alone...

  2. It;s quite normal, especially if you are female and over 40 .. look up 'Hot Flushes'

  3. maybe you were cutting off the blood flow by sitting weirdly.

    as for the breathing, maybe you had a gas leak?


    but it might just have been a hotflash, or maybe you've been stressed out and tired.

  4. No you can not breathe in a ghost or spirit.  Don't even allow yourself to get that idea in your head.  Take responsibility for your actions.  See a doctor if need be, but lay off these preposterous ideas.

  5. This really doesn't sound paranormal to me. I would say if the physical problems persist see a doctor.

  6. Dear friend,

    I can completely understand what you are feeling. When we face any problem we can overcome it by applying remedies at three levels. First is physical, second is psychological and last is spiritual. When we say something about possession which is a spiritual cause, in that case first we have to rule out physical and psychological cause.

    Even after taking physical and physiological remedies if the problem still persists then we can safely say that cause of the problem is spiritual in nature. So suggest in your case you first try to apply physical remedy if that fails then psychological support and if that fails then we can apply spiritual remedies.

    Please read the article on the following link which will give you basic idea as to what is possession and who can be possessed?


    With Warm Regards,


  7. I don't know why this would be considered paranormal. It's certainly within the realm of normal human physiology to experience cold/hot sensations. Your power of suggestion is responsible for making you think you breathed in anything other than air. My advice is to just relax, realize that nothing abnormal is going on and don't worry about it. If it really bothers you, then schedule a visit with your doctor.

  8. Things to take into consideration......

    What's the temp in your room?

    Do you sleep on a temperpedic bed or one made of memory foam? (These beds retain body heat.)

    Are you getting over the flu?

    Did you get a sunburn?

    Are you dehydrated?

    There's a physical reason for the hot/cold flashes.

    Whether it's by something you've ingested, or the physical surroundings.

    You can't inhale an evil spirit, ghost, or phantom.

    Do you have pets?

    An allergy to pollen, mold, pet dander, or strong chemicals found in fertilizers?

    You may have asthma.

    If your throat feels constricted, then you need to see a doctor.

  9. I think you have a very vivid imagination.

  10. if u check with a doctor, maybe u could see if there is anything really paranormal.

  11. You should see a doctor about this and stop thinking it is paranormal. There may be something very wrong that a physical can identify.


  12. Go see a medical doctor and get anything like allergies or illness ruled out before you jump to the paranormal explanation.

  13. You should probably go to a doctor... or a psychiatrist, you know...

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