
Is this person ready to be the leader of America at a heartbeats?

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  1. Poor ole John McCain.  He is desperate for the Hillary supporters.  And Palin mentioned the cracks in the ceiling...poor thing...she is in the wrong office.  The cracks are NOT in the VP office....the cracks are in the Oval Office.  The Dems nominated a woman 24 years ago.  The Republicans are soo behind the times.  Why would any woman be a republican?  McCain has voted against so many womens' issues.  

    Oh...who knows...she would have advisors telling her what to do.  The problem is the republican advisors and what the republican party stands for....big business and corporations.  Doesn't matter who is Pres.

  2. h**l yeah! Better than looking at Obama for 4 years.

  3. Noooooooooooooo.....

  4. Isn't politics grand when the loyal opposition resorts to this garbage.  

    Just watch what the libs do to this governor for the next two months to discredit her.  While Obama asks the Justice Department to stop the truthful ads about him.

  5. That is a bad fake.

    However, she is still more qualified then Obama.

  6. She could handle it a lot better than a Communist who has only spent 6 weeks on the Senate Floor.

  7. She is more ready than Barry the Inexperienced.

  8. d**n i have to say she looks hot but we do not need a prostitute trying to be VP

  9. And when Johnny dies in office she'll pick Cindy as VP.

    After that, we'll have 2 hot milfs leading America.


  10. That is a bad photoshop..

    And even if it were real..Whats wrong with the outfit?

  11. McCain has cost us the election with his choice.

    Mitt Romney would have never made a idiotic pick like this as VP.

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  12. She's better than Obama or McCain.

    I'd rather have Ron Paul, but that isn't who would otherwise be in office.

  13. What person would that be?  

    And who are you going to fool with that fake photo?

  14. Oh h**l yes! Man she is freaking hot.

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