
Is this personification?

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something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet




  1. No, it's not. A personification is a figure of speech that gives an inanimate object or abstract idea human traits and qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, physical gestures and speech.


    The flowers were suffering from the intense heat.

    The teddy bear sat slumped on the bed, looking sadly at its feet.  

  2. Personification, I believe, is giving inanimate objects human qualities, ideas, or traits. So no, that wouldn't be considered personification.  

  3. i dont think so

  4. Not really. I mean, I think you think that because it says "ran down" the "something" has human-like qualities, but it's a different kind of ran.

  5. no, personifacation is like an object that cant move acting as if it can,

    such as: The tree reaches up to the heavens, waving in the wind

  6. no.

  7. no

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