
Is this phone call genuine or should I be suspicious?

by  |  earlier

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I was called 4 times yesterday from the phone number 08456031754. When I answered, it was an automated voice, and it said 'This is an important security call from Lloyds TSB, please press any key to continue'. I was suspicious so decided not to press anything. Does anyone know what this is? Should I be worried?




  1. i always use this website to find out who rings!

  2. If I get a call asking me to confirm credit card or bank details etc, I refuse to answer on the grounds that I don't know they're genuinely who they say they are. This usually goes down well because it shows I'm security conscious. They then tell me to call the bank and ask for a particular division. I look up the bank's number and call them myself. It's the only way to be sure.

    I wouldn't use an automated system as you have no idea where it's coming from. It's possible to spoof Caller ID numbers unfortunately, so don't trust 1471.

  3. just ignore or google the number

  4. I bank with LLoyds TSB and even though I've had money stolen from my current account and also had someone try to access my account over the phone, they've never called me. They've always written to me.

  5. Never do this when you get a call like that as usually you get directed on to a premium rate line where you will be paying for the call and it will be very expensive , just hang up each time as you have been doing

    If you do actually bank with Lloyds TSB the call there customer service line and ask what they want you for

  6. A quick google of that number finds this :

    Have a read there.

  7. Serious companies would contact you by mail or with a personal phone call.

  8. If I was you I would ignore it

  9. I suggest you contact your bank via your usual method and speak to them about this.

    Note:pressing any number after receiving an incoming call will NOT connect you to a premium rate line-this is a common myth.

  10. Ignore it and do not press any key as it's a scam by pressing the key you could be charged an enormous amount for anything onwards on the message, just delete it

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