
Is this phone good???

by  |  earlier

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I really like it




  1. it's really good, but has like no memory space....but other than that it's good for the price

  2. I've got it...its a great phone...One word of advice has hardly ANY memory - so make sure you get a memory card with it.

    Apart from that no complaints from me, and it looks great too!

    Hope I helped

  3. I agree with matt, though often these types of phones break easily, or are hard to control.

  4. Thats clean! I love the way it opens and closes! Never seen that before. And it looks like a nice phone as well. If I knew more about its features, I could answer better.

  5. Yep its good but its not brilliant, but it is good for the price.

  6. Generally nokias are pretty good & reliable.

  7. cool

  8. it is quite fat and chunky and i really like nokia the only problem is which sim ar u going 2 use t mobile is the best or maybe o2 so its up to u

  9. I like how it opens up.

    But uh. Yea I think it's a good phone.

    It does look a little thick.

    but it looks alright.

  10. I used to have it

    the cameras great it last long as well my mum bought about 3-2-3 years ago gave it to me then i had it a year then gave it to my bro until he sold it for money.

    the camera is the best thing about it

    it takes the pic fast and the 360 design looks nice i hade it in pink. it came with a free 64mb memorycard

  11. well if you really like it and it does what u want it too do then it does not matter what anyone else thinks. these dayz there are new phones coming out all the time. Unless yooh get a new phone ever day then theres no way youll be able to keep up with whats 'good'. personaly i think it looks good, and it has good thhings on it, and if you are thinking about buying it you should, coz this particular phone is quite good. but its an odd question too ask, if you think its really good, then why do you ask if its good?

  12. I had it in pink! I loved it at the start but then i had to get a new one cos it was wreckin my head. It is good though
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