
Is this phrase a simile?

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I was doing homework and i needed to find two similes in the passage. I noticed one sentence that said. Thats 10 times faster than the speed of sound. Is this a simile or not?

My teacher said it wasnt but im still not sure? I so can anyone explain beacause it IS comparing two things and i think my yeacherlast year said that the word "than" can be used in a simile. All help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and if you can list your resources. That would help a lot.




  1. no it is not a simile. A similie must have either "like" or "as" in the sentece.

    Some examples are:

    1.  The dog is AS fast AS a cheetah.

    2.  The ground is LIKE a rock.

    3.  I'm AS happy AS a baby rabbit eating a carrot.

    4.  The forest is LIKE a jungel.

  2. No, this is not a simile.

    A simile is literary device that uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two ideas.  An example: "Jack was flopping like a fish on a line" or "he drinks like a fish".

    Saying something is 10 times faster than the speed of sound is not quite the same.  The speed of sound is an exact number, and this is 10 times that.  It would be like saying a car travels at 60 mph (not a simile).

    A simile saying something is fast could be "it is as fast as a lighting bolt or fast as a cheetah".

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