
Is this pizza still good?

by  |  earlier

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I left a pizza out since yesterday. Is it ok to eat as long as I nuke it thoroughly?




  1. As much as it'll hurt you have to throw it out.  The sauce is sour and the whole thing is full of bacteria.  I feel your pain...

  2. Food left out overnight is not good,

  3. it's fine unless it has meat on it

    if there's meat, it's bad.

  4. don't eat it

  5. chhhh i would! i always leave mine out.. well actually in the box but i dont like refrigerate it, if thats what u mean by leaving it out. i will eat it unless it gets hard

  6. It is old cchool good. Best with a cold beer for breakfast.

  7. where did you leave it?

    in the fridge is ok

    outside the fridge with cover on is ok

  8. you'll be fine.  eat up -

  9. If you left if covered you can go ahead and heat it up.

  10. no don't eat it.

  11. depends on toppings.  If meat then it could be perishable

  12. no just buy another pie, it will taste a lot better.

  13. probably not

  14. idk.

    i wouldn't take the chance.



  15. i wouldnt it has probobly gone bad

    sorry you cant eat the pizza i know i have done things like that and it sucks!!

  16. I have done it if a few times. My pizza has only had cheese on it though. I know it's not the best thing to do, but it still tasted fine and I'm still here! I didn't get sick afterwards either. But, if yours has any meat, I would say a big NO!

    In the future, I recommend putting it in the fridge, but there is always a chance we could forget every now and then!!

  17. Nope.. Trash it!

  18. eeew. you shoulda put it in the fridge.

  19. nah . is not good. The ingredients probably are no longer with that fresh taste

  20. its ok just take the meat off if there is any

  21. i would eat it still i love pizza just warm it up and it will be good i do it all the time

  22. eat it its fine .if you like milk drink a glass of milk with it i always do.

  23. i would eat it as long as it wasnt just sitting there. with no covering or anything.

  24. I personally love pizza that has been sitting for a while (room temperature). It stays in place (doesn't fall apart), oil doesn't "leak" on you, and doesn't burn your tongue. Easier to enjoy.

  25. no, if you leave a pizza out overnight, the next morning...bleh!  don't even think about it!

  26. i always eat pizza from yester day and if you wanna eat it then put in the microwave for a 30 sec - 1 min

  27. No gone bad already don't eat

  28. NO WAY, 4 hours at an unsafe temp. is all it needs to grow some nasty bacteria that may or may not be destroyed in your microwave.  Splurge on another pizza, it will cost less than a doctor or hospital visit.

  29. I would err to caution and say no. especially if it has meat or cheese. usually 4 hours out tops

  30. Nope....gone to the dark side, for sure.

  31. Ewwww nooooooooooo

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