
Is this poem any good BE HONEST?

by Guest56267  |  earlier

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i am trying to be a poet so please comment and i will return the favor

crimson red

i told you i loved you

you told me no more

i looked at you slowly

you through me to the floor

i gasped for a breath

your heart beat on my chest

a tear wells up it glistens

your words begin to thicken

i said please please dont leave me

you sat there and beat me

my arms lose blood my face turns cold

you leave me there dieing your face like stone

i get upp and look at my torn refelection

i make it worse by the tantrum

i need to see blood

i need to let go

as i start bleeding my mind starts to slow

i stare down and look at the most beautiful crimson red

my mind hears your heart beating

its peaceful lullaby

i no longer cry

as my hole heart says good by

i lye there and die




  1. I hope there is like more work done on it.

  2. hmm this is good i like how u compare it with similies and stuff which is nice but try to make things more symbolic and less words it leaves more to the imagination of the reader. i guess thats how i like my poems i give a little information but not too much let them guess and interpret it thats why poems are so good people see it in so many different ways. so if u make it too detailed it would be harder to talk about. but other than that its pretty good  

  3. Its....Ummm....INTENSE!!

    I LOVE IT!!




  4. wow! i really like it!!! it reminds me of one i made called the story of a raped girl! ha!

  5. Its good, dramatic..and creepy. Well done!

  6. I don't particularly like it, but I think it's good for poetry!  

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