
Is this poem any good? Please read!?

by Guest10900  |  earlier

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The only people who have read my poetry have been related to me! Here is one of my poems, please tell me what you think!

Shattered Sea

I lay in the Darkness

Of an eternal Night

I call to You in fearfulness

Send forth your light

Burdened by my wrongs

Trapped by my sins

For you my soul longs

All I want is to hold you again

Yet my sins grow in number

My hope becomes lost

As my faults continue to encumber

Your shoulders in the cross

I am lost in a sea

Full of the shattered glass

Of the promises I did not keep

And the conversions that did not last

Full of despair, for you seem so far

I look with fearful eyes on the dark, endless sea

Have mercy and bring me to where you are

You are the only one who can save me




  1. Muddled in clichés. Be original and your poems might be a pleasure to read.

  2. I think its great, except for a couple lines that seem to have too little or too many syllables, which make them sound awkward. Like "Send forth your light", or "All I want is to hold you again". They have too little and too many syllables, respectively. If you could fix these, it would be a great poem.

  3. It's great! You have awesome expression and a very unusual meter. Very sad, but good.

    I am unsure about the capitalization in the first stanza. Was this done on purpose? If so, I think that you should incorporate it into the other stanzas as well.

    If you are looking for more feedback, I recommend publishing your poem on You can use a pen name and have people review your work. Look me up, user ID: 398142!

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