
Is this poem any good what do you think about it?

by  |  earlier

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Death looked me in the eye once

He asked me "what makes you different from the rest in the world"

At first I didn’t know how to answer

He asked again "what makes you different from the rest"

I opened my mouth to speak

But he raised his hand for silence and he had it

"What makes you different from the rest is that you are happy to see me"

Death looked me in the eye once and I grinned




  1. very interesting and i like the last line a lot

  2. It seems more of part of skit to be honest.I think it isn't really poetry because poetry is more  

    My Perfect Friend


      My perfect friend holds me tight

    My perfect friend kisses me goodnight

    My perfect friend loves me for me

    My perfect friend wont let me be

    My perfect friend wears dark clothes

    My perfect friend loves me loads

    My perfect friend knows when in sad

    My perfect friend isnt scared when im mad

    My perfect friend makes me smile

    My perfect friend would run a mile

    My perfect friend is sweet at heart

    My perfect friend is also smart

    My perfect friend is really tall

    My perfect friend will catch me when i fall

    My perfect friend doesnt just look skin deep

    My perfect friend is not cheap

    My perfect friend is one of a kind

    My perfect friend has one wild mind

    My perfect friend is in my heart to stay

    My perfect friend might be moving away

    My perfect friend made me cry

    My perfect friend can make me fly

    now that is a poem!

  3. Wow. Dark, I see. Try changing some words to be stronger. I liked the question though. It got me to think. You should realize that other people are like that too, and maybe change it to address that.

    Read my poem?

  4. It's ok

  5. Why dont You Write a begining as to the point of where to ended up speaking to death becouse readers would be confused as to where you got to that point. other wise i think it is really nice besides te fact i dont know how you started talking to death. Pardon any grammer or spelling issues i feel pretty lazy right now

  6. yea pretty good............

  7. good poem

    dont quit the day job

  8. not bad, but i don't get how the first parts are related to the second part, there is sort of like a broken link.. care to explain? you could email me

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