
Is this poem good enough? Will it get me a good grade?

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In my creative writing class i had to write a poem. It didnt have to rhyme. what do you think about this? also tell me if any spelling is wrong.

I am a follower

I am a follower.

Not to just anyone

only to one person.

I am the one who would follow him through fire

and walk on water

with His help.

My desire is to become a nun

so i may serve him every minute

without distraction.

My heart will expand with joy

when I enter into the garden of peace

forever and ever.

I am in love with my leader.

Help me become your ever loving servant.

I am yours'.

Help my will become your will.

I am your ever loving child.

I am a follower of Jesus.




  1. I am his follower.

    Not just of anyone

    only of one person.

    I'd follow him through fire,

    walk on water with him.

    I desire to be a nun

    so to serve him every day

    without the least distraction.

    My heart expands with joy

    entering peaceful gardens

    forever and evermore.

    I'm in love with my leader.

    Help me become your servant.

    I am forever your's.

    Help my will become your will.

    I am your loving child.

    a follower of Jesus.

  2. Nicely done! It'll get a good grade. Not only because it's religious, I'm saying that because I think it's well written. :)  

  3. Beautiful, and sad. . .

    Your suffering from a monothematic delusion.

  4. Very good.

  5. I like it, but I am not your teacher. It has to be up to him/her.

  6. In all honesty, it doesn't really flow. Free form doesn't have to rhyme, but it should flow together nicely. This feels choppy and disjointed to me. It also has too much punctuation for my taste in poetry.  

  7. it's beautiful but don't expect too many on here to be able to appreciate it.

    is it for a religion class in a Catholic School? If not, the teacher might not be able to appreciate it either.

  8. i like it but the begining sounds better being

    i am a follower

    not just to anyone

    but to him

  9. It's ok, but you should write:

    Roses are red

    Violets are blue

    I can haz cheeseburger

    And leave none for you

  10. A slavish statement of submission is nothing to be proud of. Are you a human being or just an ant ?

    Oh, as poetry goes, its pretty awful. But, most poetry is bad, its a hugely overrated field.  

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