
Is this pokemon team good?

by  |  earlier

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would a team made of only pseudo-legendary pokmeon be good like:






and another pokemon

I taught proper moves to counter their weaknessess would they be a good team or not and what would the sixth pokemon be?




  1. first off most off ur pokemon are dragons so that means a good dragon or ice pokemon will kill u off easily, but worse is ur useing pokemon that are over used EVERYONE uses thoes pokemon because off they're super high stats if ur just using those to get through the game its fine but if ur online everyone expects those pokemon so u would not last very long, o and dont get ubers that is just a noobs most basic fault, so i suggest u get some more diversived pokemon and work around they're stats, like for example get a bronzong because off its outragouse spec defense and lack of type weakness. teach it hypnosis, dream eater, earthquake, and special defense its a tough pokemon to beat and ull have ur opponent ripping their hair out to try and defeat it so i hope this helps, dont be a noooooooooob

  2. err... i don't think any one really cares if you want to waste points on asking questions then make sure they are about something important that other people will care about.

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