
Is this politically correct?

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If someone has autism, is it politically correct to say that this person is autistic? Or do people with autism find this offensive? Please let me know :)




  1. It seems that most people think autism is fine. The newest label is ASD or Autism Syndrome Disorder.

  2. Best to say the individual has autism - not to label autistic.

  3. It is completely politically correct. My nephew has autism and it is not at all offensive. It's like saying that someone with dark brown hair is a brunette. It's not offensive, just fact.

  4. autistic is the politically correct term.

  5. yeah

  6. if it is politically correct,then it won't be for long.Political correctness is for wusses and people who can't handle or who want to hide the truth.

  7. probably not as that is the "official" term for it these days.

  8. That's fine.  It's the clinical term for it.

    Psycho, mental, retarded, weird, freakish, etc. are offensive.

  9. Well, people first language would say "Person with autism", but most people I know who have autism prefer autistic. As someone mentioned checkout It is how their brains are built, the argument goes, and it's no different than describing someone as 'white' or 'Chinese'.

    I did hear once, something that really stuck with my mind. Why even describe it? Why do we (I am a parent of two on the spectrum) even use it to define their child. It's not like you introduce your sibling by saying "This is my brother with hemorrhoids", but people have no problem bringing out their childs disability first thing, thereby defining every interaction their child has by their disability.  "This is my child with autism," "This is my child with CP" "This is my child with Down's syndrom" I guess it's too idealistic, why can't they just be children...."This is Josh, my son" the end

  10. Umm..

    what else would you call them??

  11. Yes, it is correct, but when talking about someone, I refrain from identifying whether they are black, white, yellow, disabled or anything else. (such as fat, short, etc.) It isn't necessary most times.

  12. As a mother of a child with autism, I would prefer that you not define by son by his disability by calling him an "autistic child".   His disability does not define him.  There is much more to him than his disability.   He is a handsome, loving, caring, compassionate, funny, young man who happens to have autism.

    Most parents that I know who have children with disabilities have the same preference.  Please do not define our children by their disabilities.  They are people first.

  13. What happened to the good ol' days? look at the old shows like I love Lucy and the Andy Griffith Show people didn't care about being pc back then now if you're not a liberal you're not pc

    Say whatever you want to say!

  14. One of the things I was taught in special education courses many years ago is to never put the "disorder" before the "person".  So to show respect and give dignity, I would always say "a person has autism", not "an autistic person".  I don't know about the politically correct part of it.

  15. Was a bloke from Birmingham who said he was autistic but I never saw him do a decent painting.

  16. I would never point out someones disability under any circumstances

  17. Yes.  That is correct.

  18. people with autism is the correct term, the people get offended when they are refered to "austistic" first,  because they are PEOPLE first, people with autism...

  19. that's totally pc

  20. I would say it depends on the person, if you know them, and maybe have discussed their condition. I know people with handicaps and each one is different in how they react to people discussing or pointing out their handicap.

    If you are working with handicapped people, try to get to know them and see how they feel about it. If you ask in the right way, they won't be offended.

  21. The correct way is you are not autistic, but you have autism. People find this offensive because autism is curable and reversible saying someone autistic is wrong. The disorder does not define who you are.

  22. people with autism don't find a lot offensive. But the PC way of saying things like this right now is to use person first language. thus it would be a "person with autism" don't really think saying it the other way would be terrible though.

  23. Are you a politician?

  24. Hi!

    People with autism is the correct term.

  25. Most people with Autism couldn't care less what others think about them, so I think it's probably ok

  26. just call them george junior

    is THAT pc

    soon we will be afraid to breath within 2 metres of another human because of all this pc c**p

  27. it is not politically incorrect to say a person has autism. it is what it is.

  28. i dont think theres anything offending in that..

  29. i have autism and i think that it is fine

  30. I work with lots of kids with autism and instead of saying "(name) is autistic," I choose to say, "(name) has autism."  that said, I'm not offended when people call the kids I work with autistic and I'm sure I've slipped and done it before.   I was taught to say " has autism" instead of "is autistic" by a mentor of mine several years ago...her reasoning is this: they have the autism- the autism doesn't have them.  So I guess it's also a bit of motivational speak :)

  31. ..i think so...for some autistic people they find it offensive while others don't mind at all (being considered as autistic).It depends on their viewpoint...

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