
Is this politics with farmers for waived Rs.60000?

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Mean the way government waived Rs.60000 of farmers is correct or wrong? How it is correct in your way and wrong?




  1. Farmers are also an (most) important component of economy and need a safety net in times of dire need, that is absent as of now. Bereft of that, the village money-lender is his only source of credit. Money-lender fully exploits the situation (yet to see a moneylender who does what he does for altruistic reasons). This is the reason why there are many farmers commit suicides. I know people who say that the farmers commit it so that the family gets some money. Such a comment is cruel and if what they say is true, it is far worse. Only the government should step in, to mitigate farmers woes.

    The loan waiving is an immediate palliative as there is no time to wait. Rest of the nation shouldn't be insensitive to the problem and grudge farmers their share of expecting help. The community (nation) should ponder over it, and through the instrument of legislature should bring out remedies. If it is not done, the government is not worth its salt. One measure can be crop insurance. Quick marketing and Food preservation remove the worry and tension from farmers' minds.

  2. What is wrong?  When industrialists and the so called intellectuals borrow officially from all and the sundry and declare it a loss,deliberately and declare insolvency.  There are over Rs1,00,000/- crores stuck in banks as non-performing-assets or in otherwords, bad debts or non-recoverable debts.

    All these go scot free and enjoy their life.  

    A poor peasant, does not have anything, everyday has to work hard for his living, borrowed money to cultivate and feed the urbanites, work in the mid day sun and always at the mercy of climate gods and politicians.  He does not have anything to return.  Go declare insolvency.  He does not know what it is.  But, still promises that he will repay it with hard work.  

    They are the real backbone of our country and moral leaders of our culture.

    Visit any other developed country in the world, you will find the insolvency rate is very high.  Though, our farmers are poor, nothing to eat, work day in and out, promise you food and they deserve it with honour.

    Cultivate an acre of land and produce Kg100 wheat and the price for your work, will not be less than Rs10,000/- that is Rs100/- a kg.  But the poor farmer, sells at a paltry price of Rs7/- per kg.

    Be grateful to annadata.

    It is totally justified.  Whatever done is peanuts.

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