
Is this possible? Another ovulation question!!?

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I was wondering if it's possible to ovulate earlier than day 14? My periods are not every 28 days, they are pretty irregular, so could that mean that I could actually be ovulating at a different time than the "usual?" (also, my Doctor thinks I may have endometriosis so I have to go for further testing)

See, my last period started on July 6th and ended on the 11th.. would it have been possible to conceive on the 17th?? I am just wondering... I mean, I don't have my hopes up anyway because of the whole endo thing... but I'm still curious! Thanks ahead of time for any responses :)




  1. Yes, you can definitely ovulate earlier or later than day 14, depending on how long your cycle is.  If you are irregular, you would have better luck tracking your temps and CM rather than counting days.  Good luck!

  2. It is very possible to ovulate earlier in your cycle. It happens all the time. Ovulation does not have to occur at the same time every month. It can vary form cycle to cycle. Yes, you could have ovulated a different time than the norm for you. It's pretty common.

    If you were to have conceived on the 17th, that would've been day 12 of your cycle. Implantation happens anywhere from 6-12 days after ovulation. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later.  So you would have ovulated while on your period (which is a tad rare, but DOES happen) or shortly after your period ended, to have conceived on the 17th. It is possible, but not super common. Always remember, anything is possible, and our cycles and ovulation can be all over the place, especially while TTC, or with irregular cycles, or with medical conditions. I'm sorry to hear you may have endo. Keep believing and stay positive :) Good luck to you, and lots of baby dust for you!!

  3. yes if your not very regular then u can ovulate any time during the month.....also did u know some women can ovulate 2x during one month!!!!....***BABYDUST***

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