
Is this possible? Or is it a joke?

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  1. It's totally possible for someone that is good at building things in that sand.  Wouldn't be any harder than the huge sand castles you see people building.

  2. Possible!!!!

  3. joke


  5. LOL..well, if it was possible then I feel sorry for that person that thing is bigger than he

  6. What is it with people like jedimaster people like that should go lie down and die. And mine is a millionth that size 3 inches to be precise. May the force be with you LOL.

  7. It's a joke

  8. you know, the funniest part is that as you are violating the guidelines, i still get 2 points...

    and if you don't like that arrangement stop posting the content...

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  9. ok laugh out loud....rab has used up his quota for answering but has said this..."you are one crazy chic"

  10. Steroids.

  11. It's sand, so it is definitely a joke!!!!!

  12. Its a JOKE....

  13. Yes, it is quite possible. It's quite tragic really. Scientists are working on it as we speak.

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