
Is this possible? (baking a cake)

by Guest67021  |  earlier

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My friend loves Pinochio so I wanted to make her a cake of his face,

For the nose I have a long dish thats perfect size but its crockery not metal.

Will it still cook ok if its not in a metal tin?

Should I heat it first???

Thanks x




  1. Whatever you use, it MUST be "Oven Proof" otherwise the heat will damage it.

  2. have you considered, cooking it regular,a nd then cutting it out,  make a crumb  coat  and then icing it,  it will turn out good,   and you can make the nose what you want,  it is an idea, and i think as long as U have a good serrated knife, then it will cut just fine,  then just dont forget the crumb coat, and refrigerate, then do the final icing,  

    good luck  ;)  

  3. i make alot of cakes in regular casserole like dish cookware and it sounds like about the same thing. i bet the cake will turn out cute. hope all goes well.

  4. Any dish you bake the cake in MUST be oven proof.

    Instead of trying to shape the cake to look like Pinocchio without a special pan, how about making a 9x13" rectangular cake and decorating the top with frosting to look like this one:

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