
Is this possible for my mile time?

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Tomorrow is are last track meet til districts and i need to take 8 seconds off my mile time to make it. The district time for Jr. High girls for us is 6:25. I'm 13 and my current times for each meet are:







7th(tomorrows meet)-??? Hopefully 6:25 or below!

Also, I would like to know if you are a Jr. High Girl what is time for the mile in districts for you? Hope you can help!




  1. you've been able to take off a lot of time before, so id say you can do it if you really focus and try your hardest. make sure to eat well and keep hyrdated. it can really help. we dont really have districts but to earn first at counties (you qualify depending on whether you are top from team or not) you probably need around a 6 flat. 6:25 is good enough for 3rd or 4th i think.

  2. Well, when I was in Jr. High the time was 5:49. Now I help out and the girls are getting even faster. They run about 5:30-5:50. Our district has amazing Junior High runners though so don't worry. I definetely think that you can run that 6:25. It isn't that difficult. Just stay with the person you knows always gets that time or below. Better yet, just run your own race and don't worry about what everyone else is doing. You can do it you just have to believe in yourself and don't second guess. You have been consistent with your time and I know that you will be able to get the time that you are hoping for. You aren't too far off. Just stay motivated and try to reach your goal. GOOD LUCK! I hope you do amazing and you make yourself proud!

  3. The best girl runner(7th grade) in our district has a time of 5:13. I run a 5:15, and I am a 7th grade guy.

    And, sure it is possible, I once took 40 seconds off, in one week!

  4. yeah that is possible i took 26 seconds off my mile in two weeks went from 552 to 526

  5. i am in 7th grade and i don't run the mile i am manly sprints...the best time in my school is around 6:15 for a 7th grade girl she usually is a mintue faster than every one else...i am pretty sure you will make it. last year i ran the mile and my time was 6:50 lol so our times are not as fast as yours! good luck!

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