
Is this possible (moon)?

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My boyfriend told me that he wants to go to the moon before he dies. I've heard of rich people being able to pay for a trip into space but never to the moon. Does anyone know if this is possible at all and if so how long it would take. (I know this is crazy but were curious haha)




  1. Yes I believe in the future it will definately be possibe to by a trip to the moon. But it will some time to make it completely safe for passangers.

  2. The trip in the sixties and seventies took about 3 days there, 3 days back, so it would be 6 days.

    Yes, it would be technically possible, but to make it safe for passengers is still way to far away. And going to the moon is  little more complicated then going into space only.

    Think about landing gear, heat control, etc.

  3. Well, if your boyfriend is younger than 30 and in good health, I think it would be possible for him to get to the moon.

    Every decade brings such drastic change that I think anything will be possible before the end of the lives of the younger generation.

    Right now, some millionaires have purchased rides into space. So your boyfriend just needs to get rich or live long enough for the price to drop. I highly suggest, if he is serious, that he put a little money away with each paycheck. Even if it becomes affordable, it will still be a big ticket purchase.

  4. Are there ANY intelligent people on this d**n site

  5. some 1 here said u can buy a trip to the moon an mars for like a million dollars or something... dont no bout u but thats more than i can aford...

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