
Is this possible or is someone just snooping around?

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I often recieve calls from my boyfriend from abroad, as we are currently in a long distance relationship. Now I've been getting long distance calls from him for about a year and it's only recently I've been having this funny feeling that someone is snooping around my privacy.

He told me that he tried to call me many times the past few minutes. First time, a lady answered, second time, a man answered. Third time, I answered him. I don't know why but I get the feeling people in this house are listening to my conversations through my mobile number (I don't know if this is possible).

This whole thing (other people answering his calls) happened 3 times in separate times this year.

Or maybe it's just a "bug" in the system and the call "went somewhere else."

Can someone tell me if this sort of thing happens alot? Cos I don't want to jump conclusions. I just want to know how this happens.

Would really appreciate some mature answers, thank you.




  1. Yeah, so many device now to go into people privacy. Very disgusting but you can't do anything about it. I use a lot of code etc to relay information to the person I am communicating with but you will first have to agree on codes etc. A lady call my ph the other day and she ask me to let her so and so. I said lady i think you are talking to the wrong person. She ask me my # and we realise that she did dial her # but got mine. (was that funny?) but it happen . So I think the less private info you can pass out on the phone is safer for you. I don't like to say names etc on the phone. I don't think i am too carefull right?

  2. There are many things that could be causing it.  I have the same thing happen with my phone with it ringing sometimes like I'm on a party line, it ringing and no one is there on the other end, or I can hear other people talking when I try to dial out.  When I had a repair person out about a year ago, I was told the problem is that the installation of fiber-optic cable stopped 2 miles before it got to my subdivision and all of us are on copper wire.  When it rains a lot or the wind blows hard, we have problems.  It also is possible that your local phone service provider has old wiring or equipment or both, which can transfer calls to the wrong place and someone else get them.

    When you are using a cell phone, you will have less secure connections because they work in the same way a two-way radio operates.  When you talk, it sends out a signal to a satellite which boosts it to the receiving phone and vice versa when you hear someone talking to you.  When I was in the Army, we had equipment that was able to intercept phone calls so we could listen in on "enemy" calls.  I'm sure that technology has progressed further since then and it is possible that you have someone nearby that is listening to cell phone calls for whatever reason and may be able to intercept them.  

    I happen to know of one individual who revealed here at Yahoo Answers that he/she thought there was nothing wrong with rigging a baby monitor to pick up phone calls so the person could record them and give them to CPS, though CPS, law enforcement agencies and a court of law would never accept such "evidence" as being valid.  I know it is possible to rig such a thing to work in that way because when I used to have my kids on a baby monitor, we sometimes could hear on it one side of a cell phone call.

    If you really think there is a problem, contact your phone service provider and tell them what is going on.  They can maybe fix it for you.  If your provider can't do a thing to fix it, I would suggest that you stop using a cell phone and go back to wall phones.  They are more secure and less likely to give you problems.

  3. well get real lol !!

    if i were you i wouldn`t care because nobody is listening to your phone calls through your mobile its just nonsense and its not possible mobiles were set to be private calls and there is no way that such a thing would happen it could be the network though

    but sure thing there is nobody spying on you unless its the interpol or w/e

    best of luck

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