
Is this possible.....?

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Is it possible to have an "accident" and then get your period and end up pregnant? I was just wondering cause this happened to me...I brushed my teeth this morning and almost threw up and this has only happened during my 2 pregnancies and never before or I was just curious if it was a possibility? Has this ever happened to anyone?




  1. I always thought it was one of those "possible things" but unlikely or rare. Maybe I'm wrong but I never got an extra period with any of my kids and I don't know anyone personally that has.I'm just curious, did you have an accident like 2 or 3 days before your period was to start, or like a week or 2 before?

    Edit: Like you though, I had my own sickness with both pregnancies and knew instantly. Mine was fainting followed by vomiting through both of mine.

    Oh and if you are preg and you are already showing signs of morning sickness, a test will likely pick it up.

  2. It's possible. If the condom broke, it's always possible. When I was pregnant, I had acid reflex...every single day no matter what I ate. The day after I gave birth, it was gone.  

  3. If by "accident" you mean you had unprotected s*x, then yes, its very possible.  What you thought was your period may have been some bleeding.  In your first trimester, you can bleed for various reasons and still carry a baby full-term.  Take a test to ease your mind.

    *lol  That's EXACTLY what happened to us.  Our daughter (second child) was only 5 months old when we realized we were pregnant with a very unexpected third child.  It wasn't "bad", but it definitely wasn't planned.  I remembered that the condom broke (used it because I was on an antibiotic that decreased the effectiveness of my birth control), but didn't really think much of it.  I thought, "What are the chances?"  Turns out the chances were pretty good.  lol  Good luck.

  4. Edit: It's possible. Like the first answer said, what you thought was your period could have been bleeding/spotting. Was it as heavy as usual? Did it last as long? Did you have different symptoms than usual?

    There's also numerous reasons why you almost throw up, though if you're sure, which it seems you are, take it into consideration.  I guess yourgag reflects change when you're pregant. Do you get acid reflex at all?

    This is kind of how my current pregnancy happened. I was on  the pill and my husband and I had s*x. I then stopped taking it a few days later and got what I thought was my period shortly after, but it wasn't as many days or as heavy as usual.  I'm one to get extremely tired when I'm pregnant so after numerous very sluggish days and a test a few weeks later...we're adding another boy to the mix in Feb.

    Best Wishes =]
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