
Is this possible with homeschooling? Thank you if can help!

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Here's my situation; My son is a senior in high school and made a Junior A Hockey team. His coach suggested he home-school because he will miss a lot of school due to traveling.

My son has been going to the same school since he was in Kindergarten and he would love to still graduate in this public school that he has been going to all his life.

So I had an idea:

His public high school is 3 semesters, so could I have him home-school for the first 2 semesters during hockey season, then the last semester enroll him back into his public school so he could graduate with all his school friends?

What is the law to do part home school then enroll back to public school AND GRADUATE WITH PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL.

Thank you so much if you can help




  1. Seems totally possible to me because there is no law saying that you can't homeschool then go back to normal school

  2. I not make any rash decisions before you check all the options. You should first check with the guidance counselor at the school where your son is attending and see if they can offer any help.  Explain to them that your son is in Hockey and ask if they can offer any correspondence  courses so he can graduate from that school. If, this does not work out then home school may be the option. The only thing is that they may not let him back in to finish and graduate. If he desires to graduate from that High School, again I would talk to the counselor to make sure they will let him back in the last semester. Getting their answer in writing may be to your advantage if they agree to what you had said;  Home school for 2 semester and  put him back in the last.  I am strongly for Home School, but with only three semesters to go the best thing for him to do is graduate from the school there.  If I can be of further help, please e-mail me through my web site listed below. Also, there is a page on my web site that has links for each state and their home school laws. I hope this will help you out some. Have a nice day.  

  3. hmm.. I would think so.

  4. Whether this is possible or not is going to depend on what state you live in and whether or not his school is at all able or willing to work with you.  You'll need to check whether they even accept homeschool credits - many don't - and whether they can accept that situation.  If the school is ok with it, there shouldn't be a problem.

    Second, if they can work with him, you'll want to get course outlines from his teachers to make sure he stays on track.  The school, depending on their budget, may or may not be able to provide him with books; if so, great.  If not, you'll have to buy them.  Because he'll be transferring back in 3rd trimester (if it can be worked out), he'll need to be studying the same stuff along with his class.  Maybe he has some friends that can share lecture notes with him?

    If this is not possible, then no, he won't be able to walk with his class.  However, that doesn't mean that he can't still have a grad celebration with all of his friends!  He can graduate as part of a homeschool grad ceremony (there should be some in your area, check with local homeschooling groups) and have a bash with his friends.  All is not lost, he just may have to reshape that part of his graduation in order to take advantage of that great opportunity.

    Hope that helps!

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