
Is this post partum depression or am I just exhausted?

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I just had my son a month ago and lately I have been feeling very lonely and isolated when my husband leaves for work. I get very upset over little things and today my son was very very fussy all day long and sometimes it gets to the point where I just don't want to even hold him anymore. I just want him to not cry. I let little things get to me and I bawl my eyes out over the smallest things. It seems to not be as bad when I'm not alone, but when I am alone I feel really panicky and anxious.

I should also note that I have had severe depression before about 2 and 1/2 years ago. I tried to commit suicide and was admitted to the hospital for 3 days and then a psych hospital for 2 days. I have been off medication for over a year and have felt great.

I just started feeling like this about a week ago and I wonder if it's just because I am an exhausted new mom or if it's post partum depression?

I have an appt. for my 6 week check up on Sept. 2nd and I am going to tell my doctor about all this, but I am wondering if I should call and make an appt. for sooner?




  1. Make it sooner! You are definately experiencing PPD, and any doctor would tell you to call right away "see a dr. immediately." You are not alone, PPD affects thousands of women! You can beat it!

    Best Wishes!  

  2. It probably is ppd but given your history you might call your dr ahead of time and ask their opinion.  Plus when you get to feeling like that, Put the little one in a stroller and go for a walk.  Exercise is great for depression.  Not to mention most babies love to be outside.  Just make sure it isn't too hot for baby.  

  3. Here is a link that might help

    I hope you are ok, It is a very difficult time, but hopefully u will find your rhythm soon. Check around to see if there is a local mums and bubs group in your area or look up an old friend thats had a baby. Its important to get out of the house to keep yourself sane. Take care x

  4. A lot of moms bet the baby blues, but with your description and your history of depression i think that this could be more. I don't know that there's so much of a need to change your appointment, but surround yourself with family and friends as much as you can. Also, share your concerns with your husband as well. It really helps. Please please though, do tell the doctor what you are going through. You might have to go back on meds for a while, but that's a lot better than trying to deal with PPD on your own!. And if you do feel like you need to talk to someone sooner, then by all means change the appointment date if you need to.

  5. The best thing to do is try and have someone with you from now until you see your doc like a friend or family member or a series of both to just come an give you that support.. another thing is when you baby is asleep take that time to do some stress relieving exercises and relaxation techniques. It does sound like you could have some post partum depression since you are prone to depression. One important thing to remember is if you ever feel like harming your baby put him in his crib and close the door, its better for your baby to be alone crying in a room as opposed to harmed in the hospital over something that didnt have to happen.... just please please do not ever take out your frustrations on your little baby, he is only a month old and crying is his only way of communitcation at the moment so just take it easy and look for support, they have support groups as well in most communities so check your resources for those kind of things as well. you are not alone many women feel what you go through and it is normal to feel like you do especially since your baby is so young still. talk to someone, reach out to those around you, and remember your baby is not crying to upset you hes crying because he needs something.

  6. No you are not suffering from post partum.

    with post partum you feel anger for the child and are afraid to be around them because you feel like you will hurt them.

    now don't let my words lead you because that is a very general type of PPD and most psychological disorders or abnormalities have multiple types or symptoms for different people. Please if you think you do which you obviously do by asking go see a doctor and get a referral to a psych. if you are a PPD sufferer you can eventually kill our own child.

  7. i think it could just be ur hormones getting back to normal. being that uve had depression before. if u feel like this is a problem then u should check with ur doctor sooner.

    i get upset when my baby is cryin and i dont know why. and i just get really emotional. but i also have had previous depression and anxiety problems and have been off meds for while.  

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