
Is this product effective?

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Does this product even help the heart? My dad claimed it didn't do him any good. Anyone else used this awful tasting stuff?

(I took a sip-it tastes like sour mud or something)




  1. The ingredients seem like they'd taste gross together. I'd rather take those in a capsule or pill from a reputable company with specific amounts of each ingredient on the bottle.

    Looks like a multi level marketing gag to me.

    That stuff's probably super expensive for the number of servings you'd get out of it.

  2. I would be scared to try it. It sounds like it is healthy, but what are the side effects?

  3. All this stuff sounds very healthy. CoQ10 is known to be anti-inflammatory & is recommended for heart patients. The juices aren't going to taste good - it's got cayenne pepper, dandelion & parsley in it - but they are healthy for the body in general and certainly won't hurt you. Cayenne is a circulatory stimulant. The other 2 are diuretics and clean the kidneys.

    “Key Synergistic Ingredients:” CoQ10, D-Ribose, Hawthorne berry, B-Vitamins and more" is what they list as active. I don't know what "and more" is but the rest of it should HELP. Will probably take at least 3 months to see results, as is the case with many natural methods of healing.

    If you don't want the drink, Hawthorne & CoQ10 are available in capsules. Dandelion root is a delicious tea by itself if you want the diuretic effect (also a good potassium source). Or mix the Genesis juice with something you enjoy, like grape juice.

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