
Is this proof that only whites can be "racists" or "biggots"?

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These two questions are identical with only the race being reversed. Why are there over 30 hostile responses to one and only 3 peaceful answers to the other? Click here to see:;_ylt=AionrLhe1jatQ1Xa7Sdtwdnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080830134719AA8N2xf;_ylt=AsH.BO8KctVU6n_KSFbFjRDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080830141924AAEgIli




  1. It happens everywhere!

    Even in my country, for a long time certain group were controlling us for many centuries. And now they have become an object of ridicule and mocked even in movies. They are being sidelined in almost everything.

    But it's been never OK to make fun of us.


    watch the last video in here.......

  2. This was a cool experiment.

    @ Jewel

    BET is not racist and neither are the Spanish channels. Majority of television networks are catered to the White audience. Especially CMT.

  3. yeah there is some truth to this. im not gonna lie. generally when someone insults white people you dont see AS MANY people telling the asker that theyre biggots or racist. i mean you will see some people saying it but not as much.  

  4. I don't understand how it would prove that.  You got a lot of negative responses for insulting black people and very few negative responses for insulting white people.

    I'm very confused by this question.

  5. Anybody can have prejudices and anybody can be judgmental, despite their skin color and heritage.

    So no, that's wrong. Anybody can be racist.

  6. Anyone can be fact, someone saying "Only white people are racist" makes them racist, because they are grouping one race into a negative group.

    Why is there a BET (Black Entertainment Television) and channels in Spanish, but no equivalent for white people? I want a WET! (this has become a joke between me and my family and friends, wanting a 'WET' channel...) And no, most channels are NOT geared toward white people...I see plenty of other races on all the channels, none are 'white', including does not equal white. I knew plenty of people in Texas growing up who watched CMT...hispanic, vietnamese, white, black...we all watched CMT. CMT is geared toward country people.

    Why is there a NAACP and not a NAAWP? What about scholarships that are only for black people? If there were scholarships only for white people, all heck would be raised...

    Racism comes in all colours, but racism is somehow more acceptable if you're not white.

  7. you didn't have to even make this effort.  just archive.  at my job, it's a different story.  mexicans often get a free pass, but white people are portrayed as dirty, sneaky and dishonorable.  one white boy killed his brown stalker.  the brown boy was bothering him for months.  when the white boy killed him, he was called neo-n**i.  he was racist and a white supremacist.  then when they found out that his stalker was homosexual and was aggressively pursuing him, he was called homophobic and is now instead being charged as an adult with a hate crime.  the attention is overwhelming, but i know both boys.  well.

    now everyone was really hating on the crazy surfer kid.  the same week, THE NEXT DAY, a mexican kid shot another mexican kid in an alley two blocks from the school.   the consensus.  the tension in the neighborhood over immigration, unemployment and cost of living.  the mexicans are being victimized and the children cannot channel their parents' frustrations.  so they act out.  poor things.  when they broke into my school and pilfered all they could, spraying the fire extinguishers to boot, one teacher actually said, "i can't blame them, they don't know any other way, they are angry at their situation and are ostracized by this great nation you call america"

  8. You know people get so frustrated by ignorance online they commit suicide?

    Your little experiments could really aggravate people past boiling point.

    We don't need you to prove there is racism on both sides.

    We know it exists.

    And not only can blacks and whites be racist, but anyone: Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American, etc

  9. Sorry, but I won't make a generalization like that. A few answers on this site is not enough to accuse an entire race of people of having the dubious distinction of being the only ones that can be racist. I've met and seen many racist people, and not all of them were white

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