
Is this proof that people are stupid????

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According to this website, people sue each other for really stupid things.

They're all true too.

Here are some:

A woman sued Disney for 15 million dollars because she said in one of the episodes of "The Little Mermaid" the mermaid, Arielle, changed her clothes behind a rock which she thought implied that the mermaid had private parts. She got about 10 million dollars of it.

Someone else sues Disney for 18 million dollars because he said that in "Alice In Wonderland" the caterpillar sitting on the mushroom smoking was a reference to smoking 'shrooms. He got most of the money.

A woman sued a store for 12 million dollars because she tripped over her son and she blamed them for not watching him. She got every penny.

Someone broke into a house in Pennsylvania while the family was on vacation but couldn't get out and was trapped for 8 days. When the family returned and let him out, he sued them for almost 1 million dollars and got half of it.

A lady sues McDonalds for several million dollars because she ordered a cup of coffee and gulped the whole thing down instantly causing burns in her throat. She actually said after the lawsuit, "Why do you have to serve coffee hot?" She got all the money she was after by the way.

A prisoner sued himself. He claimed that the defendant (him) violated the plaintiff's (his) civil rights when the defendant allowed the plaintiff to get drink. The alcohol instigated the criminal behavior.

He argued that since the defendant (himself) didn't have any money, the STATE should pay. He didn't get any money though.

A surfer sues another surfer for "stealing" his wave. He got a fraction of the million dollars he was after.

I cannot believe how stupid people are!




  1. Some Americans are crazy. They sue over the stupidest things and then others are encouraged to do it.  

  2. what a bunch of weetards

  3. It is so freaking sad that lawyers take these cases, and taht juries let them win! How horrible that people can actually win these cases...that's pure idiocy.

    I love society today...sheesh, all I have to do is trip over my own dog's leash and sue the city for not watching him, and I'm rich!  

  4. LOL.  That's all the proof I need!!  :@)

  5. i think it shows less how stupid people are but more of how greedy people are and how much they want money

  6. No wonder people hate lawyers. Here's a lawyer joke!

    A lawyer and a snake was ran over by a car on the road, what was the difference between them?

    The snake had skid marks. :p

  7. LOL wow. that was funny. xD

  8. Proof that people are stupid is easy...

    finding someone smart enough with something worth listening to is the hard part...

    as long as they don't want to get rich from their own ignorance.

  9. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a guy sues the family that he was trying to rob??????

    and gets money?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

    oh my god america has some stupid people

  10. Yes. They are either the stupidest people I know for doing those things, or the smartest for getting a lot of $$$$$$ for their stupid mistakes. Depends on how you look at it ;D

  11. It shows more greed than sheer stupidity in my opinion.

    What scares me is that the courts are actually ruling in favor of these...

  12. Yep, I don't know how people sleep at night!

    There's right and there's wrong. No room in the middle.

  13. As soon as I read the one with the guy suing himself I realized its fake. Its legally not possible to sue yourself.

  14. I know I wish I could round them all up and sue them back for bullshit lawsuits and then collect all their money and give it back to the people who need it like the d**n education system so we can eliminate stupid people like these folks.

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