
Is this proof that we should not even try to help the needy and the helpless?

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  1. 1. This news is similar to someone who got a few million lottery money and spent all in a few years, no difference !

    2. When we help, we have to understand which way is the best way to help.... help is not a word of almighty that every single result will be as good as we planned.

    3. Some local government officers try to help those drug addicts with free drugs !  Do you think these government officers crazy?  For me, they are insane !

  2. It might be aggravating becasue of what they did but, you should always continue to try and help others.  We can't help people decide what they should do but, its whats in your heart when you chose to help them that matters.

  3. Yeah, they should sign a contract that the home they make for them stays with them forever.

  4. Yeah, that would seriously p**s me off if I was one of the thousands of people who helped.  Sometimes there's a reason people get into bad's because they get themselves into them.

    It's not proof that we shouldn't help the needy and helpless.  These people were needy only of financial counselling and far from helpless.  Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach him to fish he'll eat forever.  Paraphrasing loosely there, but THAT'S the kind of help most people need.

  5. Not at all.  That show helps thousands of people, and sometimes one of them s***w up, so what?  That means that show has a 99%ish success rate.

  6. they ony way if if god tells u to do it or not, there is a reason why they r the way they are. but doesnt mean not to all of them

  7. No they tried to live the American dream and start a business . They would be a hard working construction company however they could not for see the crashing market the way they did. Construction in the housing area has grinded to almost a halt. it's not their fault they took a risk and this is what risk entails. I think they should have insured the loan in the event the Business fails.

    how did they take advantage they had the equity in the home to persue their dreams of having a business unfortunately it failed. When I loan is given out the lender will usually ask for something as Collateral. In case they default on the home. Another thing is a recent study shows lenders giving out more money At high interests that they knew no one could possibly pay back.

  8. The problem with the show is that they do too much. All most of these families needed was a decent house, not a mega house with fireplaces and solariums and top of the line appliances and video games and decor. Just good solid construction and yes, it can be made beautiful and tasteful, but within a reasonable budget. No matter how 'deserving' a family may be, Taj Mahal is overboard. Use the money instead to build more make over houses, not one or two mansions.

  9. I don't know.  It says that they invested the money in a construction business.  That tells me that they were really trying to own a good company that would become an asset to the community they live in.  The housing/real estate market has really hit hard times since 2005 (when the house was built) and many construction companies have gone out of business.

    It's too bad this happened, but it would not turn me away from trying to help people who are less fortunate.  I mean, at least they didn't borrow the money and then blow it on gambling or illegal drugs.

  10. Not by itself it isn't.

  11. How is that the home owners fault? Who could have predicted that the housing market was going to fall as hard as it did. I don't think that means we should stop helping the needy, I think that situation is a victim of circumstance. They gave them something they couldn't handle in the first place.

  12. I think that what the homeowners did was tasteless and irresponsible.  It degrades all of the hard work that the volunteers (didn't get paid) did to make their lives better......

    I feel really bad for the volunteers, because they did it to help them live in a safer home, not to take out a huge mortgage and squander the funds...

    It's just rude

  13. lame....

  14. Don't judge all people based on the stupidity of a few.

  15. No it is not. When good samaritans did what they did for them it was done out of their heart and soul for the good of the one in need.  That act stands on it's own and in time and can never ever be taken away.  It is a testiment that man can help man even if it means no personal benefit to the one who will  helps them.  The who received the benefit can never accuse anyone that he was never helped at all when he needed help.

    This man's story will not end here like this.  We do not know what is future will hold. He could succeed in another way that is not material but spiritual or philosophical.  But we hope that what he has learned here will serve him to do better.

    And more importantly this man is for our example.  We cannot condemen him for what if we are in his shoes?  Will we ourselves do better or worse?  Why are we so quick to cast stones here?  He is not the only one having hard times now.  Why cast stones only at him?

    True generosity keeps giving just as the sun gives light.  For that is the nature of the sun and it cannot do less than that.  So too there are times when need causes selfish men do open up a part of their resources to be used for a selfless deed and do good.  It brings out the goodness in people that otherwise would never happen.

    That's what I think.  And Molly yes I know I wrote another book.  Sorry.

  16. I agree with Veritas

  17. It's proof that this particular method is useless, but if your suggesting i stop trying to send aid to the starving children in africa, then i would say u need to rethink ur position.

  18. I don't know.  Many people who receive help put themselves in that situation.

  19. No. It means they needed financial counseling. Having studied law under a bankruptcy attorney, I found out that those who need financial help with planning are the ones who will not take it. Many of them declared bankruptcy several times. This is why most bankruptcies are 13's now. But they needed help in the decisions they made, but they still were worthy of help.

  20. No this is not proof enough for me. Yes the poor who were helped were fools to squander it away. But should all the hungry and the poor be labelled fools as well?

    I think not.

    I think that when we are disappointed as the volunteers suggest then we have to look to the others who were helped and did not engage their gift in a commercial gamble.

    It is one instance out of how many? How many people have they helped? And this is only one of them.

    Just because they blew it does not mean that we should blow it off on the others that will honestly gain by what we give.

  21. That's so fu**ed up..

    but i think not, there are always gonna be terrible people who do things like that, but ultimately, all the other people they helped really needed it, and they shouldn't stop doing a good thing just cause one crappy family took advantage of hospitality.

  22. that sucks. and no, it is not proof of that. if we stop helping out our homies every once in a while, we might as well just load up and start shooting eachother. Armageddon, anyone?

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