
Is this proof the border needs a wall Mexican gangs kidnap Americans take back to Mexico family paid $$?

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TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - American businesswoman Veronica was stepping out of her car in California when two men forced her into the passenger seat at gunpoint, pushed her teenage daughter into the back and drove them into Mexico.

Taking advantage of lax Mexican security at the San Diego border, and with U.S. authorities focused mainly on those entering the United States, the kidnappers took the two women to Tijuana in January and held them for a month before their family paid a $100,000 ransom.

"We got an automatic green light to go through Mexican customs and then we were blindfolded and taken to a house in Tijuana. They held a pistol to my stomach all the time we were in the car," said Veronica, who declined to give her surname.

An unintended consequence of Mexican efforts to weaken drug gangs, drug traffickers around Tijuana are turning to abducting U.S. citizens and residents in southern California and holding them in Mexico as a new way to get funds, U.S. and Mexican authorities say.

Mexican intelligence officials say Veronica is one of around 30 Americans abducted in southern California and taken to Tijuana since last November. Many of the victims are of Hispanic origin and hold double nationality.

"Transnational kidnappings are a new way of operating for these criminal groups, mainly in California, and so we are seeking collaboration with the United States," Baja California state Attorney General Rommel Moreno told Reuters.

The FBI in San Diego says it is investigating 16 cases of U.S. residents kidnapped and held in Tijuana between October last year and May, including some who were abducted in San Diego County.

Wealthy Mexicans have fled Tijuana since 2006 to live in San Diego's plush suburbs and escape violence that has engulfed the city as drug gangs kill rivals, police and even children. Continued...




  1. Just build an electric fence, and deport them

    Crime Rates DROP

    The Economy gets BETTER

  2. I dont know how much more proof and evidence the law, citizens, and politicians need to secure the borders, deport all illegals and protect our fellow citizens!  

  3. Yes it is yet further proof that something needs to be done. As someone mentioned, the government will do nothing until it effects them personally.

  4. I still say nothing will get done unless the politicians are directly affected by stuff like this. It will take the murder of a politicians child or spouse or the rape of a family member or something to get them to wake up and actually care. I still see nothing wrong with a big electric fence sort of the voltage of what they use in the electric chair. on this side of the wall,  pit bulls trained to bite at the site of any movement..then Americans willing to pick up the injured illegals and throw them back over the fence for their gov. to deal with. after 2 or 3 times of that..they won't attempt it again.

  5. I have to agree and disagree. I am a descendant of what you people call IMMIGRANT. See what a lot of people over look is that there is not enough money/jobs in mexico to support there loved ones And like any human they do what they have to to support there family's, even if it means breaking the law to come over to the UNITED STATES. If some people would only see how much there minimum wages are for a full days work, you would know exactly why they do it. And on the other hand yes there are some Immigrants who do unmentionable things to collect money but you cant blame them for not having a gov that doesn't have any authority over there citizens. We have citizens who kidnap, rob, murder, etc everyday, the only difference, we have a stronger gov who are more stricter and down on the law to put them away. I just think people shouldn't judge all the MEXICO CITIZENS based on some of there criminals actions. Its like saying United States is a bad place because of all the prisons we need just to lock away all of our criminals.

  6. I'd say, change whatever needs to be changed to put our military on the border and start defending America and her citizens!

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