
Is this pushup routine gonna help me?

by Guest56176  |  earlier

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i am 13 years old, and i cannot do many pushups at once. I do 4 pushups, then rest for 10-20 seconds and then do another set of 4. I usually do it till i reach 40-50 pushups. Will this help my upper body stregnth and get rid of my lmanboobs.?




  1. Push ups will influence your man b***s.  

  2. I guess it will, but you won't get fast results. I had some kind of a problem like that, but push yourself for like eight or ten and then rest for only ten to twenty seconds.

  3. It's good your doing this routine,

    try increasing it once you feel you can do more pushups, and dont take as many rests, the more it burns, the more you should try and do, because Arnold Swarsneger (or however you spell it) says that its after you feel the burn, thats when your muscles grow.  

  4. Push ups will strengthen and build muscle but if you want to lose fat (b***s are fat) then you need to combine your current regime with cardio for 30 minutes, 3-5 times per week. Also eat healthy foods. Since you are still growing you should ask your family doctor or a school nutritionist about a healthy meal plan. Good luck kiddo!    

  5. 1st off you're young and you shouldn't be too concern about your appearance. No this is going to help but to a certain extent you need to work the whole body to see results. Work on your arms, abs, back, legs, calves, etc real results comes from working the whole body not just one part. has good exercises though I personally don't use them too much I'm into calisthenics work outs. It's great that you're using that method to do push ups keep it up and in no time you'll be breezing through 40-50 push ups.

  6. It will only help if you reach muscle breakdown, that is where your arms literally reach the point where they involuntarily give out in the middle of a push up. This weakens your muscle, but tells your body that when it is repaired it needs to be rebuild stronger then it was. You know you did a good arm workout if you can feel the weakness in your arms for a few hours or maybe a day (some call this the burn).

  7. Not unless your Chuck Norris

  8. Yes...I was in the military and those pushups really do help a lot...and if you can't do many lean slanted against a wall and work that way too...that way it isn't a full pushup but eventually you will get the strength to do more full ones :)

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