
Is this quote true?

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"who you choose to let be around you, lets you know who you are."




  1. there might be a certain degree of truth in that quote but i don't believe that your friends are always a reflection of yourself. i don't think my friends and i are alike even though we have similar interest there always seems to be something different about us and i think that's what makes us close. but nevertheless you have to chose your friends carefully because they are the ones who you will turn to in desperate times.

  2. Insofar as you're capable of judging those around you.

  3. Yes, invariably so, even moreso for one's choice of spouse.

    Just as water will take its shape from the vessel containing it, people become those they associate with.  

    In particular, you can immediately know a person's self-image by knowing who they sleep with.

  4. yeah the people you hang out with


    you; but you may not choose that direction.

    people almost always do though

  5. The really old ancient saying is birds of a feather flock together. Geese will flock together to migrate, robins band together to fly to breeding grounds, male bands first then the ladies arrive later.

    now if you are a really smart straight A student you will gravitate to a study group with students of the same study habits.

    If you are a pot smoker of course you will go with people who have pot on hand.

    these things tend to be true. It can also be seen in mass hysteria, people in a group convince each other that a major problem is going to or does exist. Rioting also shows strength of a group who believe that an injustice has occurred and social norms and laws break down.

    If a murder occurs by a friend that you were with when this happened, you will be charged as well with murder and you may have been waiting in the car when your friend went in the store to rob it and shot the clerk. This is why we choose our friends very carefully.
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