
Is this quote written by William Shakespeare?

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"I'll smother thee with kisses....1000 kisses short as long as a thousand."

I am confused if Shakespeare actually wrote this. Help please!




  1. I'll smother thee with kisses is from Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis. I think the other is variations from the play. Check the site below for reference.

  2. Feeling on my skin?  No.  Sounds like it may have started from a Shakespeare quote, but someone modernized or added to it.  He wouldn't say something so simply trite in its balance.

  3. William Shakespeare did write that quote...

  4. Hmm. 'I'll smother thee with kisses' appears early in his 'Venus and Adonis' (Here come and sit, where never serpent hisses,/And being set, I'll smother thee with kisses,). I'm having more difficulty finding the other bits. Where did you find these quotes?

  5. Yes, Shakespeare actually wrote this quote down.

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