
Is this "implantation bleeding" and if so when should I get a BFP?

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What I have just experienced is a little dime sized light brown spotting in my underwear and when I wiped it was like just a little pink. However, it is not comming full on like my period normally does. It is a day before I expect my period and today I also had some period type cramps. I was wondering if this could be implantation bleeding or just my period. I dont usually start early, late if anything really. Also I took a hpt this morning and it was a BFN :( If you do think that it is implantation bleeding how many days after this experience would I be able to get a BFP? Thanks for all serious honest answers.




  1. It could be implantation bleeding.  You'll have to wait to see if your period comes full on in the next few days.  It will take about 5 days after implantation to get a BFP.  Good luck!!

  2. I experienced implantation at 7DPO, about a week before my period was due, and got a BFN at 11DPO. Implantation bleeding can occur anywhere between 7DPO and 12DPO, sometimes earlier and sometimes later. If you are just experiencing this now, you may need to wait a few days before the hormones build in your system enough to be detected by a HPT. I got a positive result at 14DPO, about when my period was due, but the line was so so so faint that I thought I may be seeing things. If I had tested a day before I def would have gotten a negative, I recieved really faint lines for the next couple of days and still questioned if I was making the line up in my head. Don't be disheartened, it may just be that the hormones aren't high enough to detect yet. Good luck!

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