
Is this rabbit abuse?

by  |  earlier

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When I stick out my hand to my rabbit he jumps on it with his front paws and grunts and when I move it around he follows it and does the same. Is this animal abuse or does he like doing this?




  1. I play a very familiar game with my rabbit, but it's only a game and any grunting or aggressive behavior outside of the cage, isn't tolerated and he knows this very well.

    We only play through the bars though, because a its funner when you can add sound. (run your fingers gently across the bars) I also make the pucker up to kiss me noise with my lips, which sends him into a hopping pocorning little bunny. So I know it's definitly a game, he knows it's a game.

    I'm not sure quite what your doing, and it may just be that your invading his territorial space. If thats more likely to be the case, firmly say NO and push his nose down gently.

  2. Is he a boy over 6 months old? They grunt when they are 'in the mood', if you know what I mean... They circle and 'squirt' urine. They begin to 'hump' objects also, which I suspect he will do to your hand if you let him...

    . If you get him fixed, he will be much calmer and this behavior will stop.

  3. No, it's human abuse.  He is showing aggression.  Don't encourage it.  Instead, read up on 4H rabbit showmanship and learn proper handling techniques.  

    I'll give you a tip right now.  When you open the cage, put your hand in very high, almost to the roof of the cage.  When your hand is PAST the head and above the shoulders of your rabbit, lower your hand.  Distract him with your other hand if need be but don't let him bite or attack.  He will put his ears back and lower his shoulders.  Keep lowering.....keep lowering....'till your hand if firmly over his shoulders and laid back ears.  Grasp him firmly around his shoulders pressing down a bit.  With your other hand, reach around him (he won't attack because you're holding him down) and scoop his bum and move him towards you and lift him out of the cage with both hands.  Pull him towards your chest and set him in your lap.

    Really work on this.  It may be amusing now but it will only get worse if you allow it and it get real old if no one wants to touch him because he is aggressive.

  4. My first rabbit did the same thing. We'd present her with a paper towel roll, and she'd lunge at it, following it around. Sometimes she seemed genuinely angry, and other times she seemed like she enjoyed doing it, but she outgrew the phase.

    If you haven't already, you should probably have your rabbit fixed. It usually helps a whole lot. If your rabbit is already neutered, he may just be going through a phase or just trying out a new game.

  5. It sounds like he is playing a game with you!  If he did not like it, he would most likely walk (hop) away. Of course, it all depends on what he was doing at the time you stuck your hand in front of him. If he was trying to nap or eat, or being cornered, he is telling you to get away from him. If he likes to hang out with you in an open space (i.e. free run of a room), he is looking to interact with you by playing this game with you. Only do it for as long as it seems like he is having fun, though. And try to find other ways to interact/play with him. He must really love your attention!

  6. I don't think you are hurting your rabbit.  The grunting may be a challange.  He may view your hand as an intruder into his territory.
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