
Is this radical Islam? Or is this normal behavior? What are your thoughts?

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A woman decided to marry a non-Muslim and so she and her fiance went to Turkey, and her father went there and took her passport from her (They are German Citizens) and made her fiance leave and forbid her to leave.

She eventually got her passport back and flew back to Germany (when her boyfriend reported she never showed up, which is why the German Gov't got her her passport) and her father is now answering to officials. Is this normal behavior? What are your thoughts?,2933,411623,00.html




  1. I wonder where they'll find her body?

  2. too strict, too conservative traditional man. it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Islam per se.

    this is what happens when people let emotions run them and act before they think.

    at least he didn't kill her i was expecting another "honor killing" story.  

  3. Thats not radical Islam. Radical islam would have executed both the infidel and the traitor daughter. This is just normal everyday islam. Less people die in normal everyday islam.

  4. (((((heyaahhhh)))) ohhh those pretty blue feet .............(touching PC screen)

    Muslims have their way of thinking. They need to lighten up a bit westerners are good ppl too.

  5. Radical

  6. Not radical - maybe just extreme old fashioned Islam. There are evil people in every religion.


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